Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:
The entire flight there I was completely lost in thought. Why was I doing this? Sebastien left me without so much as a word. Why was I chasing after a guy who clearly never wanted anything to do with me? Obviously I had never meant anything to him.

God, this was the craziest thing I had ever done.

Yet it felt oddly right. Like I should be on this plane. I wasn't done with Sebastien. I knew that much for sure.

Our whole relationship had been brought together by a series of accidents and unplanned circumstances:

The Italian cab driver bringing me to that bar.

Our day in Venice.
Emma deciding not to come to Europe with me.

Sebastien offering to be her replacement.

Captain Jack's Booze Cruise.

The island.

The club where he ran into his father and I met Alec.

And all those secrets I still hadn't uncovered about Sebastien. I don't know why I cared so much. I couldn't explain it, but I just felt like a magnet. I was constantly gravitating toward him and no matter how much I pulled away, I was always pushed right back.

It scared me. I had never felt this way about someone before. When I was with him, I felt as  if we ruled the world. We could do anything and be anyone. I loved it.

I wasn't ready for it to end.

Barcelona, Spain
February 27th, 5:11 PM

I stumbled out of the plane, instantly regretting my decision to come here. It was a city of millions of people. How the hell was I was supposed to find one guy who didn't even want to be found?

I hailed a cab once I was out of the airport. I told him to take me anywhere. I figured it couldn't hurt.

We drove for a while, and even though my anxiety about being here was off the roof, the beauty here couldn't be ignored.

I slowly stepped out of the cab and sighed.

Turning in a slow circle around me, I shook my head in wonder at the ancient churches towering in the distance, the vibrant colors splashing beautifully against the dark stone and brick that Barcelona was originally built on, the smell of churros in the air. It was a city of culture, a city of history, the tourists walking the same paths as the locals, some people were lost and others were waiting to be found.

I took advantage of the time I was here and started wandering around, in and out of various stores and shops. I stumbled into the first cafè I found and ordered practically half the menu. I was starving.

I was sitting at a bar stool wolfing down a plate of Paella that was bigger than my face when I heard the bartender laugh.

"Què es?" I barked at him. I was so not in the mood.

"Nada," he said, turning around, but still chuckling.

"Well bugger off."

He looked at me quizzically. "You say British things with an American accent. Who are you?"

"I don't even know anymore," I sighed. "It all started with this guy."

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