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For the first time in the last 3 and half years, I entered the gates of the school without being called names or having something thrown at me. I was embarrassed and angry at myself for not being able to do anything but I was also scared of being beat up like the other day. I also did not want to have everyone look at me with pity and blame my parents for my upbringing, or the lack thereof.

I sighed as I entered the building, thinking today would be the day I could be free.

And I couldn't have been more wrong.

I was tripped near my classroom and I was now sitting on the floor with a bruise clearly forming on my knees. Everyone around me was laughing or making videos and I hated it. I hated everyone in this school. Their stupid laughs. Their stupid faces. How I wish I could just disappear.

I stood up and walked inside the classroom and sat on my usual seat. The classes went on as usual. The teachers blatantly ignoring everyone that was throwing things at me like nothing was happening.

I went to the restroom during lunch and looked at the mirror. I looked horrible. The dark circles were prominent and I had no energy. I hadn't slept properly in the past few days and I couldn't digest anything I ate.

I washed my face and looked at myself again. Pathetic. I wiped off the water droplets and was about to head out but before I could process what was happening I was thrown at the wall which knocked the air out of me.

"Fuck" I cursed under my breath and looked up only to see Maddie and her friends.

I tried to stand up but my hands snapped under my weight. Maddie squatted in front of me and pulled me by my hair to make me look at her.

"Do you know how much I hate you?" She snarled.

"I would've thought everything you did to me until now proved it enough. I guess not" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Shut up bitch" She pushed me down and I leaned against the wall. One of her friends threw water at me and I struggled to catch my breath. "I was best friends with Ava until you came along. She always chose me but then she completely ignored me after she met you. I hate you so fucking much I wish you would just disappear from my sight. Not just her. Everyone at school started talking about you and only you. It was like I did not exist. Everyone started ignoring me and it was all because of you"

"I mean I wouldn't stay friends with you either. Do you see realize how pathetic you seem right now? What did you want? Attention? Fame? Popularity? And you did all this just so people would acknowledge you? You know Ava would never choose you if she saw you like this"

"Don't you dare talk about me like that! What is so wrong with wanting people to like you? You would never understand. I'm sure everyone you've met have always liked you!" she shouted.

"And you think doing this would get people to like you?" I scoffed at her. "Maybe you are the problem Maddie. If you maybe just tried to be friends with everyone instead of trying to act like you're better than them, they would like you but well what would I know? If you are done, I would like to leave so move out of my way" I stood up to leave but obviously she wouldn't let me leave after I talked back to her.

After the usual, I stood up to leave. My entire body was aching and I felt lightheaded. I should probably get something to eat.


I woke up in the infirmary of the school.

"You're up. I found you in the hallway. You had passed out. The nurse told you should get something to eat-"

"What's the time?"

"School ended long back. You've been asleep for four hours" A sharp pain shot throughout my head and I pressed on it hoping it would stop. "Here take these. Painkillers"

I looked at the boy and thanked him. I had never seen him before so I assumed he was new. No one would help me if they were already a student here.

I grabbed my bag from the side stand and got ready to leave. I walked to my locker and kept a few books in and exited the building. I wore the cap that I usually keep in my locker to hide the bruises on my face. There was no one in the building except me and the boy that was following me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. He helped me and I was grateful for it but having him follow me around was annoying.

"I'm leaving the building. The exit is in the same place and I'm assuming you're going there too?"

I continued walking without replying to his question. I could finally see the school gates and heaved a sigh of relief until I saw a very familiar face. Black jeans, black shirt and the hair that covered his eyes which were glued to his phone. I cursed under my breath and kept my head down hoping I would go unnoticed.

What is he doing here?



I decided to leave without responding to him but I turned around to face him before realizing what I was doing.


"Hi! I didn't know you go to this school. I have never seen you around" Does he come here often?

"Yeah I usually leave late so" my voice faltered a little. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"To pick him up" he pointed at the guy who was beside me. "You guys friends? He never told me about you-"

"We're not friends. I'll take my leave now. Bye Aiden"

I ran towards my home and all I could hope for was that he did not see the bruises on my face. I was probably never going to see him again and yet I did not want him to see my face all battered up. 

I threw myself on the bed and all I could think about was how I was going to face him if I ever saw him again.

...And It's BlueDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora