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I woke up in the most uncomfortable position ever. My neck, hand and back were aching and I had no idea how I managed that. I opened my eyes lazily only to face Aiden.

"Shit" I muttered under my breath as I tried to get away from this situation but the fact that his hands were wrapped around me was not helping. I gave up struggling in vain and sighed. I looked at him and wondered how anyone could look good while sleeping. It was just unfair at this point.

He looked so calm and peaceful when he was sleeping, I didn't want to wake him up. But I had plans today and unfortunately that did not involve cuddling with Aiden.

"Aiden" I whispered. "Aiden" I called out a little louder this time. "Aiden" I poked his cheeks. No response. "AIDEN" I shouted and he jolted up pulling me along with him and we fell on the floor. "I'm so sorry are you okay?"

I realised he was still half asleep since he simply nodded his head and dozed off, with me still in his arms.

"Aiden wake up!" I flicked his forehead and he absentmindedly looked around.

"Where am I?" He asked to no one in particular. "Oh hi Lacey. Good morning" He smiled at me and pulled my head down to his chest. I would've killed to have this moment with Aiden but not today. I panicked from the close proximity and resorted to head butt the man.

"Fuck. What the fuck" He finally seemed to come to his senses as his eyes widened, realising the position we were in. "Shit I'm so sorry" He let go of me and we both stood up awkwardly beside each other. "I don't remember when I fell asleep. I should've headed back after the movie"

"You didn't have to. The movie probably ended late at night anyway" I told him while playing with my hair. I wasn't expecting him to stay over and I didn't mind the fact that we both woke up on the same couch. "You can freshen up in the bathroom. There should be an extra toothbrush in the cabinet. Use whatever you want, I'll fix us some breakfast"

Aiden made his way to the kitchen after 10 minutes and I passed him a bowl of cereal. "I'm not a very good cook so I hope you don't mind eating cereal for breakfast"

"That's alright. I love cereal" he smiled at me and I remembered out first encounter in the grocery shop. How he was extremely mean to me and also made me buy him ice cream in exchange of the last of my favourite cereal.

I recalled the incident to Aiden and we both laughed at the memory.

"I must've come off as an asshole huh? I'm glad we met again and got the chance to get to know each other" he said.

"Yeah me too" For some reason I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I knew he didn't mean anything by those words but I couldn't help but over think.


"I should head home now. I've overstayed my welcome" I didn't want him to leave yet but I didn't want to seem needy by asking him to stay so I nodded my head and walked him to the door. "Thank you for letting me stay here" he threw a smile at me which I returned.

I fell back on the couch, already feeling his absence. I put my legs on the sofa arm and scrolled through my phone when I received a message from Ashton.

Ash: Heyy Lace! Wanna hangout tomorrow? We're going to a carnival, me, Ava, her brother and maybe Aiden and another friend of ours

Lacey: Count me in!

Ash: Aiden will pick you up. Be ready before he gets there. He hates waiting

Lacey: Haha sure!

I sighed and threw my phone to the side. I really wanted to meet Jayce since I hadn't seen him forever. I thought Ava would eventually bring Jay to one of our meetings but she never did and she always brushed it off every time I brought him up, which was pretty weird.

I didn't let that bother me however. He was like an older brother to me as well. He was always caring and protective. He would always make sure I didn't fall every time I ran around the park with Ava and if I did fall, he would have a packet of Band-Aids to offer.

He would also pull pranks on us which we hated but he always saw through our plans so we were never able to prank him. I was happy to finally meet him after almost a decade. 


The doorbell continued to ring even after I'd ignored it for the past 10 minutes. It was ruining my sleep and I had no interest in whoever was at the door. I groaned into my pillow for the hundredth time that morning.

I didn't bother checking the mirror to see if I looked presentable or not. I straightened out my tank top and pull up my shorts before opening the door. Without another thought I slammed the door on his face. 'What the fuck was he doing here' I thought to myself.

"Is everything okay Lacey?" he asked from the other side of the door and I simple shut my eyes in embarrassment.

"Give me 5 minutes. I'll b right there." I said as I ran to my room to fix myself up.

I looked horrible. My hair was a mess, sticking out in all direction possible. My face looked horrible too and groaned to myself. I immediately washed my face and brushed my hair until I looked presentable enough.

I walked back to the door and threw it open. "Hi Aiden. What brings you here?" I asked him and he simply raised his eyebrows at me. "What is it?"

"We're supposed to go to the carnival today" he said as he walked inside the hose.

"This early in the morning? You've got to be kidding me" I sighed as I looked at the clock only to realise it was 12 in the noon and I instantly felt dumb. "I'll get ready"

I dragged my feet to my room and I could hear him laughing from the living room. I got ready as soon as I could. I threw on some tee and shorts and put my hair into a ponytail. I applied a little makeup and threw on my favourite sneakers.

I found him munching on snacks in the kitchen when I was done. I walked to him and snatched the cheetos he was eating and took a handful of it before shoving it in my mouth.

"Jesus Lacey calm down. The cheetos aren't; going anywhere" he chuckled and I simply pushed him out of the door.

"What time is everyone getting there?" I asked him as I sat down on the passenger seat.

"They're already there. We're the last ones to arrive"

"Oh great. Ava is not going to let this go easily"

"Should've woken up on time then"

"Shut up"

"Alright alright" he dramatically threw his hands up in the air.

We drive to his place with only music blaring through the radio to break the silence. 

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