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Aiden dropped me home at 9PM and I decided to order something to eat. I hadn't eaten much in the restaurant and I was currently starving. Maybe Aiden and I could've gotten something to eat before going home but that depressing talk had drained my energy.

I fell down on my couch and turned on the TV and waited for the pizza.

My phone pinged and I opened the message I had just received from an unknown number.

[Hey! It's Ava. Are we meeting tomorrow? You did not answer the question at dinner]

[You still live in the same place right? I don't want to ring an unknown person's doorbell]

[Or do you want to meet somewhere else?]

[I know you're seeing the messages Lace]

I giggled at all the messages she was spamming. She texted exactly how she spoke – not giving time for others to respond, especially when she's talking about something that excites her.

L: Hey! Sorry I had to leave early. I still live there so come over anytime you want tomorrow!

A: Oh thank god. I have forgotten everything about this town after living in New York for so long.

A: Oh my god is the ice cream place still there?

We texted for hours about whatever came into our minds. We caught up with quite a lot of things and I was glad I met her again. I didn't know what I would do without Ava. She has been a part of my past, my present and I know she will be a part of my future. She is someone I could never bear to lose.


I woke up at 8 in the morning, way before the alarm went off. That was the first time in years I had actually woken up early without having to throw around my phone to just get it to turn off the alarm. Ava had told me she would come over in the afternoon and I was already impatient.

I finished my morning routine and I still couldn't stay calm. I walked around the house, something I hadn't done since I lost my parents. I entered their rooms and everything was still the same as it was all those years ago. I did not have the heart to get rid of anything that belonged to them. I could never do that to my parents. I picked up one of the photo framed that was now covered in dust. I dusted it and it revealed a picture of the three of us from when I was a baby.

A small smile flashed across my face. Every moment I had spent with them was precious. I was happy I could spend 12 years with them.

The doorbell rang throughout the house, startling me. I ran to the front door and let Ava in.

"Wow your house still looks the same. Where are your parents? I want to meet them so bad!" She chimed.

She used to spend a lot of time over at my place when we were kids and she had grown close to my parents. They would read us bed time stories when we refused to sleep or they would play with us in the park even if they weren't interested in it.

"They passed away a few years ago. They met with an accident while coming back home from a vacation" I mumbled. Without wasting a minute, she hugged me.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that alone. I wish I could've been here for you Lacey."

"It's okay. It has been over 5 years. Let's talk about something else" She nodded her head slowly.

"How was everything else? How was school? Was it all boring without me? That place is filled with dickheads"

"Oh trust me I know. That place was unbearable. You remember Maddie?" she nodded her head. "She took it upon herself to make my life miserable"

We spoke about her life at New York, my misfortunes here and everything else we could talk about. We walked around the house, pointing out the random things we did in a certain spot like breaking a glass or how we fell from stairs.

"So you're dating Aiden? He seems like a great guy" she asked and I shook my head, surprised at the sudden change in topic from music artists.

"We're not dating. That was just a misunderstanding on his part. I'll explain later. How did things go with Ashton?" I questioned and I could see her blush.

"Well we talked and got to know each other more. I have never met a guy like him. He is so sweet and nice and the most respectful guy. I was kind of hoping he would ask me out yesterday" Almost as if she knew what I was going to say, she continued "I know we have only known each other for a short while but you ever feel that connection with someone and you just know it's right? I can definitely tell he is the guy for me. I mean c'mon you and I met because of him... I think. Anyways you get the point right?" She babbled.

I chuckle at her and simply nodded my head. I think I knew what it felt like to fall for someone you have known for a short while. You just know when someone is right for you. You can feel the time stop for the both of you when you are together. You could spend every moment with and still miss them when they leave. 

That was how I felt with Aiden. 

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