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It was finally my first day in college. Ashton had told me a few days ago that he was going to the same college as mine as I was somewhat relieved. I knew college was nothing like school but I guess my experience in high school was stressing me out.

I had woken up before my alarm went off, a habit of mine where I wake up really early whenever I was excited to go somewhere the next day. I decided I would dress up a little and maybe make a good impression on my batch mates.

I made pancakes for breakfast. Ava had been coming over to my place almost every day and I just happened to learn a little cooking from her. She was a great cook. She taught me how to cook and bake in the span of a few weeks and now, I ate a normal healthy breakfast instead of processed food.

In the past few weeks, our group had been hanging out more often. Everything was usually planned by Ashton and they were great plans. We had been to an open mic night - Ash definitely took the spotlight there – and had many potluck dinners, movie marathons, karaoke, hikes and what not. It was summer spent right and I loved every moment of it.

And things with Aiden had changed. He was more flirty and candid. He would ask me out to hangout and often call it a date. It was nice. It felt surreal because there was no way in hell my crush would actually like me back but now, there might be a chance he does.

I locked up my house before leaving. I took a subway since my college was pretty far. I could always drive my parents' car but I never learnt how to drive now so both the cars were wasting away in the garage. I had decided on my 16th birthday that I would learn to drive a car and here I was, a year and a half later, taking a subway to college.

I entered the huge campus and stared at the buildings in awe. I wouldn't have been here if I decided to take a year break like I had planned. After my high school graduation, I thought I would start earning so I could save up and go to college when I have enough. But my uncle thought it was unnecessary since they would pay my college. They said they could use the money they had saved for Jason's tuition since he wouldn't be going to college.

I walked around the place and came across the cafeteria. I called up Ashton to ask where he was so we could meet up. I sat down on one of the free seats and waited for him.

"Lacey!" I heard from him the entrance of the cafeteria and I got up to greet him.

"Hi Ash and Aiden?" I asked, confused. "You go to this college?" he nodded his head to confirm.

"Ash didn't tell you?" I shook my head answering his question. "I wonder why. I thought he would've told you. Anyways how are you?" He smiled at me as he ruffled my hair, something he had been doing more often lately.

I avoided looking at him in the eyes. "I'm good. How are you?"

"Jesus I could cut the sexual tension here with a knife" Ash exasperated in a joking manner.


All the new students were gathered in the auditorium as the principal gave the long, unnecessary welcome speech. I could not even see her from where I was sitting so I did not bother listening to her. Ash and I spoke during the entire "welcoming new students" ceremony.

"Which major did you say you were doing?" I asked him since I had forgotten about it.

"Marketing. You're doing business entrepreneurship right?" I nodded my head.

We spoke about the random things we had over the break until the end of the ceremony. I stretched my arms as I stood up to leave the auditorium. We were given updates about our classrooms and time table a week ago.

"I cannot believe we share only one class the entire semester" I sighed as we made our way to our financial accounting class.

"It's two actually. Accounting and English" He laughed.

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