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* present 3rd year student, interning*

I finished my work at the company and was headed to the cafe. I sat down in my usual seat and ordered the drink. I worked on my laptop while waiting for it.

I got my drink and the door opened to reveal the two people I wish I hadn't seen - Aiden and Maddie. I hoped they didn't see me. I tried to ignore them but I couldn't.

They seemed to be really happy. I couldn't watch them anymore so I made my way out of the cafe. Levi gave me a concerned look but I flashed him a small smile indicating that everything is fine.


I drove to the cafe after work. As soon as I reached the cafe it started to rain. I ordered my drink and waited for the rain to stop. I know I came here in a car but I had parked it a bit far since there's no parking near the cafe. They really need to make space for parking.

The door to the cafe opened and he, the person I had seen yesterday with Maddie, entered. Our eyes met for a brief second and my heart was beating like crazy. It was just like before again, whenever my heart would beat fast and loud at the sight of him.

He made his way towards me and sat down on the opposite chair.
"Just like before huh?" He said like we were still close.
I looked up at him and he looked like a mess. He had dark circles and his hair was disheveled. He looked paler than before.

"Yes I guess. So you and Maddie are...?" I asked him even though I already knew the answer to that. But I just needed a confirmation.
"I can explain" he held my hands in his and I pulled away before I could fall for him all over again. Well, it's not like I ever fell out of love. It was a loophole.

"Don't do this. Everything between us is already over and you made that clear. It's just memories now. You had the chance to explain yourself when you broke up with me and after an year you are sitting in front of me like nothing happened"

"Listen Aiden, I'm sorry but right now I don't need any kind of explanation. I just hope things will work between the both of you. Anyways, I'll get going" Even though it was still raining I knew I had to go. I couldn't stay here anymore. I rushed out of the cafe and Aiden followed me.

Yes, I needed answers but my mind was a mess. Whenever I came in front of him I never knew what to say. I wanted him to tell me why but I also didn't want to listen to it. I had to get out of here as soon as possible, before I could give in again.

Before I could open the door he grabbed my wrist and turned me around. "Lace, please listen to me. Just give me one chance. I didn't mean to hurt you like that. It was all because of Maddie.. I'm really sorry"

"I shouldn't have left you but I didn't know what to do back then. Now I've realised that you are what I want and I'll do anything to get you back" He continued.

"Aiden, I don't think I can do this again. I don't think this is a good idea" I said to him. I didn't know what happened to me at that moment but I just didn't think we would work anymore.
"Lacey please listen..... I love you"

"I loved you Aiden"

"Lacey don't do this to me, please. Just don't" His voice broke and my heart shattered into pieces.

Those were my last words to him and I headed towards my car. I started the engine and drove off towards my house. The tears blurred my vision. I had to stop driving but it was too late. On my way back suddenly a bright light flashed directly at my eyes and that was the last thing I saw. I was thrown into the air along with my car and that was it, I was tumbling in air and then I crashed down, hitting my head on the window beside the driver seat.

I had jerked forward because of the force and hit my back on the seat and the air in my lungs left. I was suffocating and it was harder to breath as time passed. And finally,

Darkness engulfed me.


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