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Coming back home felt really good. As much as I enjoyed the trip, I missed sleeping on my bed. Things were going great between Aiden and I. He had asked me out on the last day of the trip and all I could think of in that moment was how bad I wanted to kiss him. 

It didn't matter if we had been dating for less than 24 hours, I was with Aiden Smith! That's all that mattered to me at the moment.  He stayed over at my place after we returned from the trip. We were extremely tired from not getting proper rest the past week which led to us sleeping as soon as we hit the bed.

I blinked my eyes a couple time, adjusting to the brightness of the room. I had woken up earlier than Aiden which was a surprise since he was always up before me. I jumped out of bed and freshened up and headed to the kitchen. I decided to prepare something easy and nice for the both of us. I looked up all kinds of recipes online and settled on the one that looked easy. As long as it tasted good, it didn't matter how extravagant it was.

I brought out my bluetooth speakers and played my favourite songs as I danced around the kitchen, moving to the beats of the songs. I took out a loaf of bread, corn and cheese. I was making a corn and cheese sandwich since that seemed to be the easiest. It took me around 10 minutes to prepare 4 sandwiches. I served it on a plate for the both of us and I walked to the room to wake up Aiden. I tip toed towards the bed and pulled down the covers to reveal his face. I poked his cheeks and he moved slightly, groaning. I chuckled at how cute he looked. I returned to the kitchen to grab my speakers.

I turned up the volume to the fullest and kept the speaker near his ears as I played the song 'we will rock you'. The loud music echoed throughout the room, making me close my ears a little. Aiden had jumped out of the bed and was now lying down on the floor. I burst out laughing as I saw the dazed look on his face. 

"Morning, Aiden" I pecked his lips, waiting for him to come to his senses.

He glared at me and started chasing me around the house. We circled the room, rolling on my bed just so he wouldn't be able to catch me. I ran around in the kitchen jumping across the island and finally entered to the living room. Our laughter rang around the house. 

He finally caught me, throwing away my hard work of 10 minutes and started to tickle me. I stared at him blankly as a smile creeped onto my face.
"I'm not ticklish" I said. Of course I was ticklish but only in some places and I was never going to tell that to him. Ever.
"Ah I hate you so much" he whined as he buried his face in my neck. A laughter escaped my lips as I flicked his forehead.
"You know you don't" 

His face was now red as he went to get freshened up, without looking at me. I waited for him at the island in kitchen. I was starving to death. I could have eaten it while he was in the bathroom but I wanted to wait for him. We munched on our breakfast and went to my room after I was done. I changed into a hoodie and jeans and went back to the living room where he was sitting, immersed in his phone.

"C'mon we are going somewhere" I pulled him out of the house and locked it.
"Where are we going?" He asked me.
"Somewhere" I said.
I was going to meet my parents today and I thought I'd take Aiden with me. I had spoken about him a lot already like he was the only person I could talk about most of the  times.

I went to the flower shop and bought 2 bouquets.
"Are we going to your....?" He hesitated a bit. I looked at him and nodded my head.
We entered the cemetery and I sat down in front of their grave.

"Hi mom, hi dad. Sorry I couldn't come last week. I had been to Aiden's beach house with all of our friends. It was a really great place and I had a lot of fun. You know Aiden right? The annoying, creepy, irritating and rude guy I have mentioned about? Well this is him"
"Don't tell me you actually told all that to your parents" He glared at me.
"My point is proven" I smirked at him and continued talking to my parents.
I told about everything I wanted to and I felt the relief I always feel when I tell them something.

I stood up and got ready to go home. Aiden followed me out and we headed to get some ice cream. It was the same place where I first took him to just for my cereal box. My favourite cereal. Sacrifices had to be made.
"Hey do you still have my jacket?" He asked me out of no where. I chuckled at his question.
"I'm not sure it might be around somewhere in the house"

He had given me his jacket that day. I was the one who ordered the ice cream and he was standing outside the shop. So I ran out of the shop and bumped into him and he had ice cream all over his jacket. So he randomly threw the jacket on top of my head and ran away. Weird and random but he actually did it.

"By the way why did you give me the jacket?" I asked him out of curiosity.
"I don't know. I just felt like giving it. Weird I know but it's better than walking the streets with ice cream on your jacket"
"That's true but I wouldn't have given the jacket. That was totally random" I said.
"I know. I feel really dumb right now so shut up" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Oh I'm never letting this die. I'm gonna remind you of this the moment you wake up and the moment you go to sleep. I'll even haunt you in your dreams" I flashed an evil smile.
"Okay that's just exaggerating"

I pinched his cheeks and rushed inside the shop. We got our ice cream, choco chip and his awful blueberry with strawberry combination and we went to the park. His choice in ice cream always bothered me. The first time I went with him he had taken black current with strawberry, like who does that?

The park was fresh like always. I would never regret coming to this park. I was lost in my thoughts and I felt something on my cheeks. At first I thought it was a rain droplet but when I touched I realised it was ice cream. Eww.

Aiden was laughing at me and I started to chase after him.

"Hey you loser! Idiot come here" I shouted.
I finally caught him and started to hit him. "Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!"
"Ah sorry stop hitting me now" he pleaded and I let him go but not before smashing his ice cream on his face. Blueberry and strawberry can go to hell.

"You are so cute when you are angry" I glared at him for saying those words. "Nope definitely not cute and thanks for ruining the ice cream"
I face palmed myself, grinned at him and walked away.
"Hey don't leave me alone" he whined before singing the the song 'Don't leave me alone'
"Stop singing. Your voice is horrible" I said. "And you better get me tissues"
He chuckled and started hopping towards the shop without arguing. He is such a kid at times. Cute.

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