:Chapter 4:

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A snowwoman. A race of snow people. What Ice was sank into me and I took a moment to think about it while I sat next to Ice who was watching me through those ice blue eyes. It did explain a lot about her.

How cold she was, how she always had ice pops in the summer. 'I bet it's some form of cooling to keep her cold. And she does seem to love winter quite much. Makes sense. And I can't believe she's from another realm.' Ice explained that as well.

Well she was explaining things to me that I asked. "Yeah there is a lot of races in my place. Um we have snow shifters for one. Blizzard is one. He is outside actually, that owl is him. He can shift into an owl, a white stag, an artic hare, and an artic fox." Ice said.

I looked outside at the owl who I had noticed hung around. "He's very overprotective?" I asked. "He does it for a reason." Ice said and I nodded at that. "What are you?" I asked. Ice bit her lip. 'Well Alex that was quite the blunt way to put it, what are you?'

'I meant her species since she is talking about the species of snow people.' Echo nodded. "Like I said a snowwoman. Sort of. That's what I call myself. But I have all of the powers as well. It's a gift." Ice said and I nodded at that.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked. Ice bit her lip. "Well I'm not here for just any reason." Ice said and I nodded at that. "It's hard to explain but I promise I'll tell you. Maybe we can plan a day for you to come over and talk to Blizzard and I." Ice said.

I nodded at that. "Are you staying for dinner?" I asked Ice. "Yeah if you want me to." Ice said. "Yeah it would be nice." I told Ice who smiled. 'Looks like we get to spend some more time with Ice once more at dinner.'

I smiled at Ice as we got out of bed to head downstairs where my mom was getting ready to call me for dinner. Dalton had left with Darcy and Della by now. Isaac was sitting in his chair his legs swinging as his black eyes focused on the food in front of him.

His multicolored hair fell in his face as he glanced up. Isaac was pretty quiet yet don't mistake that, when he did speak he was full of sarcasm. In front of him was some lasagna. He was staring at it as dad set at the front of the table.

'Isaac is an interesting kid for sure. Quiet yet full of sarcasm when you get him going, and he doesn't really look like any of us.' His eyes he received from being a vessel. Although as the vessel of Death it wasn't like Isabella or Lucas with their relationship.

Death didn't need Isaac that much unless he wanted to convey important information that he couldn't because of the fates. But Isaac got the power of death from him. A power that most would kill to get. However Isabella made sure he couldn't just go about killing people.

Then there was Isadora who was his best friend and partner in crime. Isadora was as sweet as they come I swear. She was just like her mom. 'And happens to rub off on Isaac and teach him compassion. The two are like always together. They're almost like Ice and I. Almost.'

I nodded at that minus the attraction. Those two were just friends nothing more than friends. I sat down with Ice next to me as my mom came over. "You can eat now." My mom said and we were quick to go eat.

We ate in silence mostly until all of the food was gone. "Mom, Isadora wants me to go to the library with her tomorrow." Isaac said and my mom nodded. "What time?" My mom asked. 'We should go somewhere with Ice tomorrow, well we should just go to her house to hang out with her.'

I nodded at that. "After school so could you pick Isadora and I up and drop us off at the library or stay with us?" Isaac asked. "Of course." My mom said and Isaac smiled at that as he went back to his food.

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