:Chapter 7:

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Alex and I were walking in the hallways together of school. Somehow once more Danielle was able to excuse our absence without a doctor's note. Maybe because they donated a lot to the school so they just looked over any absence at this point.

Which was a cool perk when you thought about it. Along with the principle being a supernatural and knowing why we left . So we got excused. Now we were in study hall which just happened to be  the last class of the day. So we were just walking around the hallways like usual.

Alex was holding my hand as we stopped at an empty hallway and sat down. "Has the mark formed yet?" Alex asked and I almost gasped. I had completely forget that Alex had marked me and if it had healed into a mark yet. Pulling down my dress some I cranked myself to look at the spot on my neck.

I wasn't the least bit surprised to see that the mark had healed. Now a blue snowflake in a blue crescent moon was there. The moon for Alex and the snowflake for me. Something simple.

Yet it represented us so well which made me smile at that thought. "It's pretty." Alex commented and I nodded in agreement at that. The mark was very pretty and I was happy that he had marked me. From the moment we locked eyes on his sixteenth birthday and Alex's look showed what he had wanted.

He wanted a mark on my neck like most every mate did. And I let him. There was no need to get to know Alex. That's what most mates said that didn't want the mark like that. But I knew Alex. I had known him for such a long time.

We spent nights together. We ate together, and we eve slept in the same bed together until Danielle started separating us. But now we could sleep in the bed together since we were mates. I felt Alex's warm fingers trace on my cold skin making me shiver.

A snowwoman. I was never cold and never got those cold tingly feelings. But Alex made this spark and tingle when he touched the mark making me shiver. Alex smiled just a bit when he saw me shiver before pulling his hand back. His blue eyes held a teasing nature and I knew what he was going to say.

"Are you cold Ice?" Alex asked. "I'm not cold Alex, I'm a snowwoman, I'm designed for the cold." I told him with a chastising tone. "Then why did you shiver." Alex said leaning over and pulling his bottom lip into his mouth in a teasing tone.

"Because it felt weird when you touched the mark sending shivers down me, I wasn't cold." I told Alex who grinned. His hand touched the dress I was wearing. A dark navy blue velvet dress with a pair of black tights underneath and my boots that I wore with them.

Alex leaned forward and pressed his lips to the mark making me gasp as the shivers and tingles came back. Alex's lips were firm and smooth, not rough or chapped. His pulled some skin into his mouth and lightly nipped it leaving a love mark in place. Nothing like a hickey though.

Werewolves were famous for their love marks that they gave their mates. A light nip to the neck as a sign of love and trust. Alex continued kissing my neck before pulling back and placing a light kiss on my lips and pulling back. "Did that make you shiver?" Alex asked.

I gave him a playful glare and Alex grinned. "No really did it make you shiver?" Alex asked and with a sigh I nodded. "Good I should make that a goal of mine. Making you shiver." Alex said with a teasing tone as he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around me.

When Alex hugged me he wrapped me in his warm embrace something that I loved. Warm was never something that I liked. The cold was where I happened to flourish. Like a white ice rose, the warmth of an embrace never was something that I liked. I would do anything to avoid it.

But Alex was a different story completely. He made me feel different and being warm in his hug was worth it, his embrace mad me happy unlike anything before. And that I was thankful for. Alex slowly pulled back before smiling at me and I returned it.

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