:Chapter 18:

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Ice stayed in the room for three days straight. She refused to leave since her half brother slit his throat in front of everyone. She took it the hardest since at the last moment he dropped his weapons and refused to kill her.

'Least he got a change of heart at the end decided to let Ice live and choose the path that she wants without them in her way.' And then he slit his throat telling her she'll be better. I had to bring Ice her food as she wouldn't go downstairs to get it.

Finally I had enough of her moping in the room. "Ice." I said opening the door and she glanced up. "Get out of the bed now." I told her and Ice didn't answer so I forcefully took the covers. "Alex." Ice said and I grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look at me.

"Ice I love you, and I refuse to see you waste away in this room, so your going to shower and then your going to join for me at the table for lunch. And I'm not taking no for an answer." I told Ice who looked shocked.

'Well you've always been kind and patient with her, and now you just laid down the law.' For her own good. Ice didn't even argue with me all she did was go to the kitchen and I waited for her hearing the water dripping down for twenty minutes before she stopped.

And the Ice dried herself off before coming out in a fleece dress. I smiled at her and then we went downstairs where lunch was made. Chicken quesadilla's. Ice took a seat next to me and I gave her a comforting smile to show her I would always be there for her.

Even in the hardest times. 'Which is right now since she is coping with a family member's death. Something she never thought she would have to.' And I can understand why. So the best thing for Ice was to be patient with her. But not let her waste away.

I would be there for Ice no matter what. Ice ate her quesadilla and of course she asked for a second one which my mother was more than happy to get. "Where's Blizzard?" Ice asked my mom as she set the quesadilla in front of her and my mom looked up.

"Border control, he joined that since he doesn't have to protect you as much and wants to contribute to the pack in a way he knows." My mom said. 'And Blizzard is quite good at checking for threats since he spent most of his time here checking for the assassins that could try to hurt Ice.'

So he decided to help with that in all his forms. It was the best thing he could take care of. And in case an aggressive rogue came Blizzard could easily eliminate the threat. My dad was even looking for ways to let him into the pack.

Sure humans could be a part of the pack. 'But you know we didn't even know snow shifters all that well, but dad will no doubt label him a shifter.' And then Blizzard was in the pack and had all the benefits as well. Ice nodded at my mom as she continued eating her quesadilla.

I asked for another one as well. I thought about ways to make Ice feel a bit better and one came into mind. "Hey mom can I take Ice into town?" I asked and my mom nodded before handing me the car keys and then we were out the door.

"Where are we going?" Ice asked as we got in the car. "That's a surprise." I told her with a smile on my face. 'I am curious as well on where you plan to take Ice that could cheer her up from that little thing going on with her.'

I smiled. 'Trust me it's a good place, well we have to stop there before we go to the place that I plan to excite her at. And I just know she'll like it.' Ice looked at me as we got in the car and I started it up.

"Can you give me a hint on where we are going?" Ice asked. "You froze it for me." Was all I told Ice and she raised an eyebrow. 'Oh, that would help.' Ice spent the time in the car thinking about it as we drove off into the city.

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