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-Six Years Later-

"It's a girl."

Those three words were one of the most important that I could hear next to Alex saying he loved me. Being told my baby's gender. We never asked to be told as we wanted to be surprised.

And our little baby was a little girl. The pack doctor shoved me a cute little bundle. With white eyebrows and icy blue eyes. Alex stood in the back of the room watching as I was handed our kid. "Her name?" The pack doctor asked bring out the birth certificate.

"Tempest." I said. She was named after her deceased uncle. Alex smiled before going over and signing it and writing down the name Tempest Ashford and Alex Ashford and I wrote down Ice Ashford. Alex took Tempest next as the rest came in including Blizzard who's eyes softened upon seeing Tempest.

"She looks like you." Blizzard commented as Danielle rushed in to hold her next grandchild. Isaac stood in the background much older and a teen. He eyed up Tempest who looked at him. He shifted around as she pointed him and Danielle smiled. "She's so cute." Danielle said handing her to Jackson.

Everyone held her except Isaac who passed it up but did touch her hand and she grabbed at it and then she began to cry. And then they were ushered out for I could fed her. Alex sat next to me moving some of my hair. "Your not even sweating." Alex said.

"Well I don't think I'm really capable of sweating since I'm naturally cold." I told Alex who smiled as Tempest feed before falling asleep. Alex smiled at her. "She's so cute." Alex said and I nodded at that looking at the bundle of joy in my arms with a smile on my face.

"I'm sure he'd like her name." Alex said and I nodded at that. "I say when we have a boy we name him Blizzard." I said. Alex laughed at that. "How about Luc?" Alex asked. "Ok, but the middle name will be Blizzard." I told Alex who smiled at that.

"You just had a baby and your already thinking about more." Alex said. "Yes I plan to have at least five." I told Alex. "Five?" Alex asked. "Your mom had nine, be thankful I didn't choose that." I told him with sass and Alex smiled before kissing my forehead making me smirk at him.

"You love me." I told him. "Yes and all your craziness." Alex said and I smiled as savored the moment with Tempest and the peace we had earned and the love between us.

The end.

429. So I might possibly format Death's Kiss different as a way to show you my new writing technique, tell me what you think about that. When you read this the first chapter of Death's Kiss should be up. Until the next book my beautiful marshmallows.

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