:Chapter 5:

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In a perfect world I wouldn't have to hide from anything. In a perfect world keeping what I was from Alex all that long wasn't something necessary. All those precautions Blizzard had to take wouldn't be necessary. All the spells and enchantments not necessary.

But unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world. I knew Alex and I were bonded since we met. What way? I didn't know until I was older. And deep inside Alex knew this as well. Which was the reason Blizzard never relocated the two of us to keep us safe.

Because Alex and I were bonded and had been since birth. He may of not known it, but we were bonded. And Blizzard refused to break that bond as that bond was what kept me happy and what saved me. So Blizzard did everything to keep me safe along with Alex.

And I thank him for that. Besides Alex and his family, Blizzard was the only thing I had left to care about or consider family. My real family betrayed me and exiled me from the realm. And Blizzard is what kept me alive all this time when the assassins came after me.

And he knew one day Alex would have to learn the truth. I mean he told me he was a werewolf from young age. Not that I didn't know that. He had that werewolf earthly aura to him. That aura that I had come to enjoy after all this time spent together.

And Blizzard knew that. I was at my happiest when I was with Alex. He made me forget that I was an exile and was in hiding. He made me feel like a normal supernatural teenager for the first time in my life since I met him.

And that normal feeling was something that I craved. Being around Alex became my addiction and wanting to tell him became higher. But Blizzard insisted that I waited and I knew he was right. Alex didn't know the way we were bonded. So I waited and finally his birthday came.

So I told him. And he seemed pleasant about it even eager to learn about it. Which was how we landed ourselves in Blizzard's car on the way back to my suburban house way out despite the way that it happened to look like. But the house was my house and I grew up there.

It was where my memories with Alex and of course Blizzard was so the place was special to me no matter what. So here Alex and I were in the back of Blizzard's car skin to skin as we waited to arrive at the house so I could do some explaining for Alex on the whole world.

Blizzard and I had talked about it last night, the explaining I would be doing to Alex. Sure I wasn't about to spill my entire guts but Alex did deserve to know at least some of the things that happened to be going on with me.

That he deserved so Blizzard and I had a talk on what I would tell Alex. I was going to tell him a nice amount of things and a bit of a brief explanation on why I didn't tell him sooner. I did it because I didn't want to jeopardize things for us.

Biting my lip I leaned back in the car as Blizzard sped it up and finally we arrived at my house and I felt relieved. Blizzard pulled into the driveway and stopped. Out near the back was a huge pile of wood for fires that Blizzard made.

Well not exactly. We had a stove powered by wood since that was how we lived back in our realm. And since they're was a huge abundance of trees around here we made due with it quite well. About three lots a meal or sometimes the entire day.

All of the wood was in the shed in the back that was padlocked. The shed was also full of a few things of Blizzard's along with a stash under his bed. The house we lived in was pretty simple, nothing grand like Alex happened to live in. But he did have eight brothers after all.

But I lived in a one story two bedroom house, three bathrooms as well. Blizzard had a bathroom and I had the master bathroom and then the guest bathroom or the one in the hallway. There was a one car garage that Blizzard would park the car in here and there depending on his mood.

Then there was the kitchen, the dining room, and the living room along with one spare room. Blizzard went outback after giving me a nod. "Come on." I told Alex leading him into the house and closing the door behind the both of us.

"Do you have a preference on where we talk?" I asked Alex looking back at him. "The living room will do just fine." Alex said and I nodded at that. With that I lead Alex into the blue themed living room and took a seat on the loveseat and I looked at Alex.

"So you can start asking me questions now and I'll answer them to my best abilities that I can do. And Blizzard and I talked about this as well so I'm prepared for any question you happen to throw at me." I told Alex with a smile on my face.

"Why didn't you tell me what you were?" Alex asked. I had a feeling that would be his first question. "It was Blizzard's idea and a form to keep you safe. I've known we've been bonded since I met you, only recently did I figure out the bond." I told Alex.

Alex seemed a bit surprised at that and nodded. "Is that why you were so eager for my sixteenth birthday?" Alex asked and I nodded at that. "Yes because I was pretty sure I was your mate. You just happened to be the one to confirm my theory." I told Alex who nodded at that.

"So what about your. . . species puts me in danger?" Alex asked. I could tell he was trying his best not to offend me with his words and I appreciated him for that very gratefully. Alex was a wonderful friend and mate without a doubt.

"Alex. . . I'm not just any type of snowwoman. I'm a special one, but I got exiled. Which is why I didn't tell you." I told Alex who nodded. "Why are you an exile?" Alex asked and I bit my lip at that. "That is a story for another time." I told Alex who nodded at that.

"Ok how about your powers, what are your powers?" Alex asked. "Snow and ice. I can manipulate snow and ice and make it form as well." I told Alex who nodded at that. "That's pretty cool." Alex said and I smiled at him at that.

"So how you froze my rose could you make a rose made of ice?" Alex asked. I nodded at that. "Do you want me to?" I asked Alex. His eyes seemed to light up at that idea making me smile. Holding my hand out I let my powers out just a bit.

I imagined the rose. One of ice with beautiful petals that would fold out in a full bloom. A stem with no thorns that was long and thin. Slowly, but surely it formed before an ice rose was in my hand. Alex looked absolutely amazed as I handed him the rose that was in my hands. The ice rose.

Alex gleefully accepted it and admired the sparkling beauty of the ice as it reflected off of the light making me smile at that thought. "This is so cool." Alex said and I smiled at that and nodded in agreement.

"Anymore questions?" I asked Alex who nodded at that. "What are Blizzard's powers?" Alex asked. "Well he is a snow shifter so he does all that shifting and like me has a resistance to the cold." I told Alex wo nodded at that. He looked so happy at learning all of this new information.

And this made me smile at that. "So do you have anymore questions you would like to ask me?" I asked Alex who bit his lip. That spark of interest entered his eye once more before he looked back at me and nodded and I grinned at him happy to be spending time with Alex once more.

"Ask away."

1402. So it's late and my mom said I can only be up until 10:30 or I can't write for a week. So quick A/N. Hope you enjoyed this, I'm writing in my journal again and goodnight. Until next time my sleepy marshmallows.

 Until next time my sleepy marshmallows

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