:Chapter 10:

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Ever since the assassin attacked us I've been on edge. There were four other assassins out there that no doubt knew where Ice was. This sent my protection instincts into overdrive for sure. Even in school I was always aware of my surroundings.

'Even more so than before. Knowing that something that doesn't belong there could be there no less.' I nodded at that. Ice tended to put her hand on me as if to attempt to calm me down. And most of the times it worked. It was the mate bond at work no doubt.

Ice soothed me and could pull me back from the protection. But the protection instincts were a nature of a wolf and even more so with a werewolf. A real wolf protects it's mate to their last dying breath. Never mess with a mated wolf ever.

If you kill their mate you signed your death warrant, and if you manage to kill them, they're taking some of yours with them. 'There is no coming back from attacking a werewolf's mate. You made your bed and your going to rest in it at that point.' And that's what these assassins were doing.

They're dumbasses dug their bed and now they had to lay in it. As far as I am concerned it would be a cold day in hell when they killed Ice. Ice was mine, and no one was laying a hand on her.

No one was harming Ice. 'They can try but they won't get anything out of it except wounds and most likely death.' And the first assassin who was now dead was proof of that. Blizzard was the one that picked us up from school most of the time and on occasion my dad.

And my dad had one of the werewolf teachers keeping an eye on us to make sure nothing was going on. And that brought a bit of reassure to me. And our schedules had been changed so we had each and every class with each other. And now we were in English.

The teacher Mr. Bledsoe was telling us about the reading we'd be doing in pairs. 'And like usual we got paired with Ice. Which is a score once more.' I nodded at that as I looked at the book that Mr. Bledsoe had set in front of the students.

Ice sat next to me in navy blue long sleeved dress with her white hair back in a braid. Her dainty hands held the book. The Great Gatsby.  The last book we read was actually a Harry Potter book to my surprise. I could still remember Mr. Bledsoe setting the book down.

He was a diehard fan and believed the writing was excellent and a good thing for the students to read. 'It was well written and kept most of the students attention and we all finished the book as well.' I nodded at that. Ice smiled at me as the teacher continued talking.

"And at the end of the book will be a quiz with four multiple questions and then one written question based on the books and what happened in it." Mr. Bledsoe and a round of oks and yes came from the student as I played with the cover of the book.

The material distracted me just a bit from what was going on. 'Although being distracted from what's going on is going to be very hard.' 'Well it is an important matter that requires our full attention, but we can't slack on our grades either.' Echo nodded at that.

I was an A, B student. Always had been. This gave me good grades and a good GPA, my GPA was a 3.5 last time I checked it. And I preferred to keep it that way. Ice looked at me and gave me a charming smile causing a small blush to cover my face.

'She's sweet, she really is, we scored quite well in the mate department and that is something that I am quite happy about. Getting such a good mate.' I could agree with Echo on that matter. Ice was a great person and a great mate and girlfriend as well.

And that I would be thankful for always would be. Even if she happened to have assassins out for her I was grateful for Ice. She was the perfect mate for me. Mr. Bledsoe continued talking while I brushed some hair from my face thinking of when school would be over.

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