:Chapter 11:

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"So all your nieces and nephews are coming over for dinner?" I asked Alex as we sat on his bed. "Yeah my mom is no doubt trying to bring normal back into our lives and this is her way of doing it." Alex said.

I nodded at that. Danielle had a way of loosening up tension in situations where people were in danger. It seemed to be her specialty when she did that. Being able to release stressful situations in any form that she can. Whether it be food or games that she had found when cleaning up the house.

And Danielle was quite well at that. She fit into the housewife with all the cleaning and taking care of the children. But she was anything but submissive and roll over for her husband to do whatever he wanted to her. She was an alpha after all.

So she took pride in being an alpha and rarely ever submitted to Jackson. She was quite proud of her alpha lineage. I looked at Alex as he offered a smile to me. My mate was full of alpha bloodline and very capable of keeping me safe and happy in his arms.

I did love Alex very much and I didn't see that ever changing. He was something great to happen to me and that I was thankful for. Looking back at Alex I smiled at him before leaning over and kissing him. Alex was a bit surprised by that but kissed me back.

"I'm sure dinner is going to be fine." I told Alex who smiled at me. And he kissed me a bit more before encouraging me to come over. And I did. He kissed me again. "My nieces and nephews are little shits." Alex said before kissing me again.

"They don't bother me all that much." I said as we pulled back before Alex leaned forward and kissed my neck. "Wait until they stop showing their nice side." Alex said his blue gaze flickering to mine before he continued to kiss my shoulder making me crane it more towards him.

Alex played with the dress I was wearing before sliding it down my shoulder exposing the mark he made on my shoulder. The blue icy mark that he gave me. A representation of my snowwomen status and Alex's werewolf status. And I did like that mark very much.

It represented that I belonged to Alex and not some stuck-up asshole snowman. That's all they would of done with me if I didn't have the bond with Alex. I'd of been paired with a snowman to bring more children before the demise of the species happened as that's where it was heading to.

Alex kissed my mark making me arch against him feeling that feeling and savoring it. The feeling of his lips on the mark sent electricity spiraling through me and I loved it. Alex smiled before he lightly nipped the mark before finally pulling back. "Blizzard's coming." Alex explained and a few moments later Blizzard opened the door.

"Your mother sent me up here to tell you dinner is done." Blizzard said looking at Alex and then me. "Thank you." I told Blizzard who nodded. I picked up doors shutting and knew that Alex's family was arriving here and all I could do was smile.

Alex looked at me and shook his head and I knew he heard the doors opening and shutting. Meaning his family had come for a visit which I didn't care much of. They didn't bother me. "Come on." I told Alex who groaned but in the end followed me.

" I told Alex who groaned but in the end followed me

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