You're Never Gonna Fit In Much, Kid

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Two weeks later:

My first day of school. Kilburn Secondary School.

It was meant to start at 9am. I got there 20 minutes early to get a timetable and find my lesson. I finally wheedled a timetable out of the grumpy woman in Reception and set about finding my class.

By now, a few other people had started to file in. I had no idea where my first lesson was. I know I had 11/12DrGAR but I had absolutely no clue as to what that meant. It was utter gibberish. I knew I would have to talk to someone here sooner or later, so I chose a short kid with dark hair and a bag covered with patches.

"Hi. It's my first day here. Can you tell me where I need to go?" I asked, holding out my timetable.

"Sure, you're in Drama with Mr Way. It's in the arts block at the other end of the playground. It's the door right at the end of the corridor on the left."

"Thanks! I'm Scarlett, by the way." I replied.

"I'm Frank. It looks like you're in my English class next lesson, do you want to sit by me? I'm a bit of a loner here."

"Sure! And don't worry, I'm a loner too! I just moved here and I don't know anyone yet."

He laughed.

"See you, Scarlett!"

I smiled and practically skipped towards drama. Woo-hoo! The sad, red- haired loner had actually made a friend! On her first day!

Thankfully, I didn't make a fool of myself by tripping over the door or something like that. I was the first one in the classroom, which was a bit awkward because I was just standing there, waiting for someone else to come in and looking at my shoes. They were black, but the laces had skull patterns on them. I love bending the rules slightly.

"Admiring the lovely carpet, eh?"

I jumped in surprise, I hadn't heard anybody come in. I turned around to face whoever it was.

It was the teacher. Well, he must have been the teacher. Black shirt, long dark hair, white tie, he wouldn't have looked out of place in a coffin. That said, it didn't stop him from being utterly gorgeous.

"It is a rather wonderful carpet, I must admit. The pencil leads and pocket litter embedded into it add an exquisite texture and make it look vintage yet a la mode. Beautiful and thought-provoking."

Hell, that was good. I love my brain and its sarcastic, witty retorts.

"I'm glad you appreciate it. Not many people do, you know."

"I suppose it's an aquired taste."

He laughed, and walked towards his desk in the corner of the room.

"You're new, aren't you? What's your name so I can put you down on the register?"

"Scarlett. Scarlett Black."

"Scarlett..." he repeated, sticking his tongue out in concentration as he wrote my name down. It was funny because my nan used to do exactly the same thing when she was writing.

"Right, Scarlett. I'm Gerard Way, and I'll be your Drama teacher for the rest of the year. Call me Sir or Mr Way, possibly Gerard if you're feeling informal."

A few other people walked into class. One was a girl with long blonde hair and too much make-up. She fluttered her (fake) eyelashes at Gerard (it was so slutty it made my toes curl in disgust) and scowled hard at me. I smiled at her, being deliberately nice just so she would be even more annoyed. The next was a boy who had really big nerd glasses and a shy walk. He ignored the blonde girl, (she must really enjoy scowling, I thought) who was now glaring at him, and walked over to me.

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