Not A Chapter

733 34 13


Firstly, I am immensely grateful to all of those people who have contributed to the 4.2k reads I have so far.

For the first ever proper story I've written (except for hastily scribbled sentences only taking up the first pages of notebooks), I'm shocked at how popular 'We're All Outcasts' is turning out to be. I guess I expected to publish it as I went along and maybe scrape one hundred reads if I was lucky. The fact that it's into 4 digit numbers now is amazing and never did I even hope you would like my writing as much as you do.

However, and I have said this before, I've got a lot of pressure on me because of school. My target grades are all A*s, and I need them if I want to study medicine later on. I've already explained that I'll be publishing a new chapter every fortnight, and I will be sticking to that. Where possible, I will always try my hardest to update sooner, but I'm afraid that I won't be making any promises to update weekly.

I hope you understand my predicament and realise that, for a social recluse, I have a hell of a lot to work on!

I will not be abandoning the story, though. However hard it gets, I promise I won't just leave it and forget about it; I'll be seeing this through to the end.

As far as the story goes, I don't think I'll be writing a sequel. They're rarely as good as the original and if I finish how I plan to, the story will only feel as if it's being prolonged. It's about 75% (perhaps a little more) complete, so it'll be done, I hope, by the New Year.

Thanks for sticking with me,


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