A Kiss Before She Goes

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Scarlett's POV:

The curtains opened and the lights came up. I watched the show from the corridor and I was overcome by a sudden rush of fear as I realised that this was it. My moment. I had to show everyone there what I could do. My stomach was doing somersaults and I fought to keep my face natural.

Gerard seemed different when we were dancing. I couldn't put my finger on it, but he just felt slightly distracted. His acting was faultless, but his gaze was odd. And then came something I would never have expected. We had stopped dancing and we were in the centre of the stage. Our foreheads were touching and we were about to 'kiss' for the first time.

First, a blackout. It hadn't been in the dress rehearsal so it threw me slightly. It only lasted for half a second, but in that time, Gerard quickly pressed his lips against mine.


Gerard had just kissed me.

I was stunned.

Gerard Way, my Drama teacher, had just kissed me.

He had kissed me.

'Surprise!' My brain said, doing jazz hands, 'Your crush has just kissed you in front of a hall full of people.'

I didn't know why he'd done it, and I didn't even know if he'd meant to, but he had still done it and a very large part of my mind was shell-shocked.

There was no way I could give anything away to the audience so I was as natural as I could be given the circumstances and hoped that I could convince them that all was well. Somehow, I stayed Juliet and maintained my composure until the interval. I didn't know what I'd say to him but I didn't think it was going to be pretty.

The curtains closed - as soon as they had shut, I whispered in his ear:

"I need to talk to you."

Almost imperceptibly, he nodded.

We went off stage. Everyone was crowding around us, congratulating us, telling us how good we were. I wasn't really paying attention, though. I was preoccupied with the whole 'what-Gerard- just-did' taboo. I saw him slip away from the crowd, leaving backstage and disappear in the rush of people. He swiftly ducked under the tiered seating, so I waited a few seconds until I followed, pushing back the strips of thick fabric that hung on the metal bars making up the seating structure. It took my eyes a few seconds to adjust to the smothering darkness that enveloped me under the seats. Seeing as the top row was a good five metres above me, it wasn't at all cramped underneath - in fact, quite the opposite. I saw Gerard leaning against the back wall of the hall; carefully avoiding the bars and diagonal beams that criss-crossed the space underneath the seats, I made my way over to him.

"Scarlett, I am so sorry." he whispered, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. He must have had thousands of thoughts running through his head.

"No, I'm sorry. If I hadn't-"

"If you hadn't moved to this school? If you hadn't discovered my past? If you hadn't been so accepting of what could and rightfully should have sent you running in the opposite direction? If you hadn't been so mature about it, about everything, and offered me your hand in dealing with it? If you hadn't been my student?"

We both flinched at the word 'student'.

I had no idea of what to say. I couldn't think of a single response.

"It's not just you. It's as much my fault as yours. There were so many opportunities that I had to just tell you straight that the bizarre relationship we had was wrong and against almost every rule set in place in this school. We were both wrong to make friends, for want of a better word. We were wrong for letting it carry on and I should have stopped it before it went too far. I'm sorry you ended up kissing me and I'm sorry that I didn't stop it."

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