We Could Take To The Highway

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Okay, guys, three things:

Sorry for not updating. Erk. I'll try really hard to get the next one to you in five days.

I'm sorry for the last couple of chapters. I kinda got carried away... *hides in a corner, ashamed*. But I promise to keep it as clean as I can from now on.

And the update on the Wattpad app (I use my phone for Wattpad) means I can attach videos and pictures. :D I've attached one of my favourite songs: 'Tonight, Tonight' by Smashing Pumpkins. The song and the video is just beautiful... It has nothing to do with the story, but oh well.

I digress... Anyway, new chapter! Yay!

Stay beautiful, keep it ugly,



And so two days had passed since I had been accepted as a Killjoy. I had to admit, I loved the fearlessness and attitude I'd acquired from the reality. There was a profound sense deep within me, a piece of me that had long yearned for excitement; action; adventure.

It's difficult to describe the feeling, knowing that you crave something like that. It's so incredibly hard to shake off and it stays with you, knawing at your insides, haunting your thoughts: is this it? Is this really what life is about, staying put and growing up, getting a mundane job, living a mundane life, dying as a nobody? Is this really it? After you've long since rotted into the earth, will anyone remember your name? You just want to be able to do something with yourself - if you die in the process, who gives a fuck? There's something very romantic about self- destruction.

I didn't care about death as a Killjoy (okay, yes, it's technically difficult as I was half- dead anyway, but still...); I was willing (and a part of me wanted) to go down in a blaze of glory. And now, I was going to collect my gun and meet Adrenaline Revolution.

Party was driving the Trans- Am with Jet next to him whilst Kobra, Fun and I sat in the back. Of course, what better way to get used to a gun than being thrown headfirst into a sticky situation involving a band of Dracs?

The only thing that I'd be going headfirst for was a fucking halo.

We skidded to an abrupt halt outside a small shack, if it even deserved that name. Do you know the house from 'Up'? Imagine that, but half the size and twice the age. And weatherbeaten. Peeling paint, creaking wooden boards - most likely, the only thing holding it up was the woodworm holding on tightly. It was utterly decrepit. The only thing that looked less than a century old was the small sign in the window, barely visible behind the dusty glass:

"I'm in. Knock hard, but not too hard. It's the only front door I've got."

So Party stepped purposefully forwards and hammered on the door. Thankfully (praise ye lord, I thought, with only a slight hint of sarcasm), it stayed intact.

A few seconds later, we heard footsteps and the door was opened. A boisterous girl came flying out, knocking Party and me aside, and enveloping Jet in the most violent hug I've ever seen.

"Jet! It's so good to see you! I've missed your fro around here!"

"I've missed you too, Adrenaline."

"So, do you lot want to come inside? I may or may not have some tinned peaches I pilfered from the City a while back..."

So that was Adrenaline Revolution. She really did seem cool. The others entered the building (it ought to have been called a falling, really), leaving Adrenaline and me at the back of the group to chat.

"So, you must be the mysterious Gasoline Blue. Tell me more..."

"There are lots worlds out there. I don't mean planets, I mean dimensions. In my dimension, I had an accident and I'm in a coma so now I can travel between dimensions. A few days ago, I found this place."

We're All Outcasts (Gerard Way/ MCR Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora