'Cause I Spent The Night Dancing

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A/N - Hi! Is this story any good? What d'ya think so far? :)

Thanks for reading...



Break was almost over by the time I found English. Thankfully, Frank was standing there already.

"Hey!" He sounded happy to see me. Then, upon noticing the gigantic bruise forming on my forehead:

"What happened to your head?"

I laughed at my own misfortune and told him:

"I got a detention in Drama because my partner, Mikey, was laughing. I know, it's unfair, but hey...

Anyway, in the detention, the teacher had this swivel chair and we were having a bit of a competition to see who could go the furthest across the room.

Then he pushed me a bit too hard and I went smack into the opposite wall. I even blacked out for a few seconds."

We laughed and walked into class, finding a table at the back.

I'm not too sure how it happened, but I ended up inviting Frank to my house after school to listen to music and do nothing.

Lunch was fun. The food, if it could be called that, closely resembled cow pats on a plate with some withered green stuff that I could only assume was cabbage. I was so grateful to my fridge at home - I'd brought some food of my own.

I sat with Frank, who seemed to have a table to himself. He just looked at his food with a grimace on his face. He'd forgotten his lunch and he didn't exactly look thrilled at the prospect of the cow pats. Out of sympathy, I gave him one of my wraps. He grinned.

"Thank you so much. You have saved me from... from... [he gestured at the food]...that..."

He struggled to describe the food, which made us both crack up.

I saw Mikey make his way from the queue to an empty table. It looked like he sat alone too.

"Mikey!" I called, hoping he could hear me. He did, and walked over with a smile. He sat down, and I introduced him to Frank.

They started talking and I realised that I had made two loners less, well, lonely. I felt so chuffed - my work here was done!

"How did you get that bruise on your head?" Mikey asked.

I told him, this time sarcastically using 'Geebear' instead of 'teacher'.

Frank looked confused.

"Geebear? Where did you get that from?"

"The teacher's called Gerard. Mikey's his younger brother and Geebear is a name Mikey calls him to piss him off." I explained.

"I will kill him. Nobody touches Scarlett and gets away with it!" Mikey vowed.

With that, he made a fist and hit the table, before shaking his hand in agony.

"That table...hurts when you hit it!"

We all fell about laughing.

"Mikey, how have we not noticed each other before?" Frank pondered.

"Because you never looked up." I interrupted.

I realised that maybe this school wasn't so bad after all. By the time lunch was over, I had made two friends and both were coming over after school.

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