But Where's Your Heart?

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All of the rehearsals had gone well so far. I'd learned my lines fairly quickly (it was a couple of weeks before I could recite my whole part and it was four before I knew the whole thing, but that was quick compared to some people), which was great. I could help people out with their lines (give cues or whisper their lines to them) and step in if anyone was ill.

The downside to that was that it got on my nerves every time someone forgot their lines or we had to stop for them, which, more often than not, was one of the girls. The exasperation I felt was completely disproportionate to the number of times we actually stopped, but it irritated me greatly nevertheless. Thankfully, Gerard was far more patient than me (I suppose that in that school you'd have to be) so nobody got too angry with anyone else.

Mikey and I had spoken about the nature of the roles we played. We had to (pretend, at least) to kiss a lot of times, hold hands, etc. We made a pact:

'What goes on in Drama stays in Drama.'

I was really glad we were both being mature about it; it was a relief to know that we were only friends. We had to do what we had to do and there was no point being silly and prissy about it. We had roles to play and we were going to play them as well as we could, even if that meant kissing.

The rehearsals went by more quickly than I thought. Soon, there was only a month until the performance itself.

It was a normal Thursday afternoon, albeit a slightly chilly one in the middle of October. I was lying on my bed with a steaming mug of hot chocolate in my hand, listening to Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

My phone rang; it was Mikey.

"Hey! How are you?"

He sighed.

"You would not believe how stupid I've been."

His voice was a little odd - he was slurring his words slightly.

"Go on..."

I was dreading what he was going to say. In the background I could hear people talking.

"I was babysitting my niece, who's a little shining wit (that's a spoonerism, by the way). She wouldn't shut up but she said she would if I went on the trampoline. I was desperate so I did. She dared me to jump onto it from the first floor. I did. She dared me to jump onto it from the second floor. I did. But that time I fell awkwardly and sort of folded my leg under me as I hit the trampoline.

I'm sorry, Scarlett. I've broken my foot."

I laughed down the phone at his utter stupidity.

"You broke your foot from jumping out of the second floor?"


"Somewhere, Mikey, there is a village being deprived of its idiot. That's the most foolish thing I think I've ever heard. You're so stupid I want to laugh and cry at the same time. Are you okay now though?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I've got a massive cast and a pair of crutches. I might sound a bit stoned because they gave me really strong painkillers when I first came in here. But I've got some bad news."

"Oh, god. What is it?"

He paused, and I could tell he was actually a bit upset.

"I've got to stay on the crutches for at least a month. I've spoken to the doctors and they've said that the play is a definite no."

Realisation dawned...

"Have you any idea who's going to play Romeo then?"

"No, I haven't spoken to Geebear yet. I imagine he's going to hold a full cast meeting and see if anyone's up for filling my shoes whilst I'm here crippled."

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