As Soon As I Get My Gun

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Hi! I'd like to start off by saying THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH! 591 reads and 70 ratings (and counting) is phenomenal. I am so grateful to every single one of you.

Secondly... Oh, wait. What's that in the corner? Yeah, can you see it too? I'm kinda squinting, trying to make out what it is.

Ah, it's a content warning. But don't worry, a clean synopsis is at the bottom.



That was when I realised that I could take people with me. I brought Party back, but he was fast asleep by the time we got back to The Zones. Kobra helped me carry him into the room that passed as sleeping quarters in the diner and we let him rest.

Whilst he was sleeping, two other Killjoys entered the diner. Kobra introduced them as Jet Star (Ray) and Fun Ghoul (Frank).

After what felt like half an hour but what must have been at least twice that, we heard Party stir, grumbling loudly to himself.

Fun stood up, but Kobra stopped him.

"Don't. Scarlett and I will go."

Well, thanks for considering my opinion, Kobra. Look what happened the last time I was in a room with Party.

Regardless, I got up with more energy than I thought I could muster, and followed Kobra towards Party's room.

We saw him lying sideways on the bed, wrapping the blanket around himself and twisting it between his fingers. Suddenly, he sat bolt upright,  gasped, blinked and scowled at us.

"What are you doing in here?" he muttered, regaining his composure as he stared at Kobra and me (by this point, we were standing awkwardly in the doorway. We daredn't venture any closer to him) with a nonplussed expression.

"Party... We need to talk."

He made a disgruntled noise and got out of bed, turning his back to us so he could change into a shirt that was lying on the floor.

"Fire away." he said, still groggy.

"Where did you go?" asked Kobra.

"I dunno... It was a city, but it was black and white. It looked like London during the Helium Wars, but there were too many tall buildings. But I met this guy. He was me. Not like, my hair and clothes, but me. I met me."

"How long did you stay there?"

"Like, 5 minutes. Scarlett said something about the reality not supporting me? Yeah, but I dunno."

"You were gone here for two and a half minutes. That means time passes twice as quickly there as it does here."

"Uh." Party grumbled, clearly unimpressed with Kobra's statement.

"What do we do with Scarlett?"

Party thought for a moment.

"We take her in. She wasn't lying. She could be useful to us." he turned to me. "Can you fire a gun?"

"I can shoot an air rifle. "

"You need to learn to shoot properly. I can teach you. But you need a Killjoy name."

I thought for a second, looking down at my shoes, hair hiding me from Party's gaze. Then it sort of clicked - it just came into my head and I knew it was perfect:

"Gasoline Blue."

Kobra grinned. "It suits you."

Party smirked. It was that same irritating smirk that he used when he was trying to get into my pants. It made him look hot and he knew it.

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