You're In The Wrong Place, My Friend - You'd Better Leave

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As a warning, this chapter contains graphic scenes (nothing physical, but it might make some of you uncomfortable). If so, stop reading now. I'll have a synopsis ready for you at the bottom of the chapter. :)

"We have a visitor!" He called out as I was shoved through the filthy glass doors into the diner, far more cheerful than he had right to be.

I squinted hard against the gloom. Most of the windows and doors had been boarded up - hence why it was hard to see. Couple that with the grains of sand lazily swimming across the surface of my eye, and voilà! My eyes were about as useful as a chocolate frying pan. No, they were less useful than said frying pan, because you could at least eat the chocolate! My eyes were just stuck in my head like cacti under my eyelids. Ugh.

"Can I say something..?" I inquired.

There was no reply, the guy with red hair  had his mouth set into a hard line, so I just spoke anyway:

"I guess you're going to interrogate me. You'll probably try and test my intelligence by asking me questions about this place and whatever Battery City is. That's not going to work; it's like asking a fish to climb a tree. The only thing I've got to go on is the fact that there is a city surrounded by desert. There's clearly something going on in that city - you seem to think they've done something to my head, which means that there are scientists in there doing sketchy shit. Maybe they're messing with everyone's heads and giving them false memories. You're called a Killjoy and you live in the desert. That means you're against whatever's happening in Battery City. I'm willing to trust you, but you need to trust me. I'm not from the City and I know fuck all about what's going on here. Please just explain the basics!"

He said nothing, face stony. Another man (blonde hair) appeared behind him, holding a small device which seemed to be emitting a soft humming sound. He held it up to me, slowly scanning my body. Then he circled around the back, doing the same thing. After a couple of seconds, it bleeped, a small blue light blinking on the screen.

"100% human. No Bl/ind microchip. Brain function normal. No identification. She showed up on the sensors at 6.41am in the outskirts of Zone 5."

"Enough techy shit. Why are you scanning me with that?" The blonde one scowled and ignored me, instead turning to face the one with red hair.

"She's clean. IDs?"

The 'one with red hair' (what should I call him, I thought, Steve? Eric? Twat? I settled for Twat) nodded.

"Party Poison." he uttered with a discerning sneer.

Hmmm. 'Twat' suited him better.

"Kobra Kid."

Well, at least one of them wasn't an absolute idiot.

"Take her out back. The others will be back by sunset and we need answers for when they come through that door."

My bravado evaporated. My confidence wavered. My attitude withered. Oh shit. Oh. Shit.

Kobra seemed to sense my panic, because as soon as he had grabbed me around the wrist and pulled me out of sight, he loosened his grip and whispered:

"Look. I'm not going to do anything to you. I'm not like that. But please make this easy for both of us and just answer the questions. I don't trust Party. When he's interrogating, he gets violent. Don't encourage him. Don't give him any hassle. I'll try and stay in the room, but if I'm called away, there's nothing I can do. For God's sake, don't answer back."

I nodded. We came to a door at the end of the corridor in the back of the diner. Kobra looked at me sympathetically and pushed open the door, revealing a stark room. A bare bulb, suspended from the ceiling by a thin wire, flickered erratically above a single chair. Kobra pulled out coil of rope that I didn't know was there.

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