Stay Right Here, Stay With Me

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I held back tears as I walked away. I'd left him standing there and we both knew we would never be able to do it again. Hell, we wouldn't even talk in lessons! It hurt, it physically hurt, and there was a painful lump in my throat. But I didn't turn around. I couldn't. I couldn't.


I turned around, saw Frank and forced a grin.

"We've been looking for you... Where have you been?"

"I was in the loo. I felt a bit sick." I lied.

"Okay, well, I wanted to congratulate you. You were great on stage. You know, it was almost as if you and Gerard were actually in love."

Well, little did he know...

"Oh, shut up, Frank. You're the one that likes him."

"Oh yeah. He looks sexy in that ruffled shirt."

I groaned, rolled my eyes and followed him as he made his way towards backstage. I saw a brief glimpse of my parents, Patrick looking bored and grumpy in tow. I waved and hoped they might notice me.

Wow. I digress... that conversation was an example of how I can ignore my brain. Shit. I sort of scared myself with how quickly I managed to set a smile on my face and feel it too.

After a rather exhausting trek around the school, we found Mikey outside the main entrance. The cold wind was pleasant against my sweaty back, bringing goose -bumps onto my skin. Mikey looked up at me and he looked concerned. He took me aside, leaving a confused Frank.

"Scarlett... I saw Gee a few minutes ago. He looked like he was really upset. Do you know anything about it?"

Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

"Er, no. I'm sorry. Is he okay?"

I felt terrible. I'd broken Gerard's heart and I was lying to my best friend. I was an awful human being. Mikey interrupted my thoughts:

"Oh, shit! The interval's nearly over... You need to go." he exclaimed.

"Oh, okay. See you guys after the show!" I shouted behind me as I ran back into school, charging like a rather enraged bull into the backstage area and skidding into the wings. I stopped - Gerard was already waiting there. His eyes were red and, although he had carefully applied makeup to hide it, I could tell that he'd been crying. He didn't glance up at me once; I felt guilt knaw at my insides and I nervously picked at the skin around one of my fingernails.

"Right, we're on. Curtains up in one minute!" he called. His voice sounded normal - I suppose he was doing the same as I was and literally putting on a brave face. I rushed up the corridor and took my place on the stage. As soon as I held my position, all of Scarlett's troubles melted into the background and Juliet took it from there. We married in secret, Romeo was banished, I faked my death. Romeo saw me lying in the crypt and assumed me dead. I was about to wake from my drug- enduced coma when he drank poison. He grasped my hand tightly and lay down on the floor. I woke up. I saw Romeo. I grasped him in my arms. I cried. I saw the empty poison bottle and tried in vain to drink the residue. I cradled his head.

"I love you, Romeo."

My heart flinched, jolting me out of role. I grabbed Gerard's dagger from his inside pocket and thrust it into my chest. Of course, the knife was but a prop, but the pain in my chest was very real. Gerard was still holding my hand and I gripped it hard in return. I grit my teeth. I couldn't help it and gasped in agony. I couldn't move, but fell backwards onto the floor, back resting against the block I had been lying on. I put my hand to my chest and somehow, through it all, still managed to keep from crying out. Tears leaked down my face and finally, after so long, the curtains closed.

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