I Don't Believe In Me

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Scarlett's POV:

As the days turned into weeks, I began to feel at home in Kilburn. I'd made a couple of friends and there was a Drama club that was on after school on Wednesdays. I was getting on well with my teachers and the work was alright, if a little easy. But I did extra work in most of my subjects to prepare for my exams at the end of the academic year. Things weren't looking quite as bleak as they had before I came here. My heart hadn't done anything out of the ordinary for a few weeks now, and I'd almost completely forgotten about it.

There was a downside, though: I had to put up with Eliza and Georgina. They were best friends and were practically inseparable. Thankfully, the only lesson I shared with them was Drama, but every time I saw them around school I caught Eliza scowling or pointing at me, whilst Georgina would invariably be sniggering behind her hand.

Whenever they saw Gerard? Different story. They acted like three-year-olds and would giggle, blush and flutter their eyelashes. It was enough to make me want to regurgitate my last meal. I couldn't help but think about what Gerard had been through. I knew. I knew about him. He wasn't just a pretty face (okay, he was a pretty face, but that's not the point), which was all Georgina and Eliza were remotely interested in. They were shallow and immature and although I was never anything but polite to both of them, I felt anger boil up inside whenever I saw them flirting with him. It wouldn't surprise me if it was the only reason they chose Drama as a subject or went to the after-school club.

On the third Drama club (Mikey went to it as well), Gerard started talking to us about the school play for that year:

"Okay, everyone. As some of you might already know, every year the Performing Arts team put on a school play. This year, we're doing Shakespeare. Is anyone interested?"

Everyone put their hand up, which was great (as is Shakespeare).

"We can either do Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet, but we need to decide now. Hands up for Hamlet."

I raised my hand. Hamlet is one of my favourite plays. Sadly, there were only seven of us that chose it, compared to the 20 or so that go to Drama club. What irritated me even more was that I was the only girl who chose it. What was up with this school and why was every girl doing whatever they could to reinforce the negative female stereotypes?

"Okay. Hands up for Romeo and Juliet."

My two favourite girls in the year group made a noise not entirely dissimilar to a squeak as they realised that they were part of the majority vote and might end up getting a leading role.

Ah, well, I thought. If I get to play Juliet, fabulous. If not, at least I can see a girl I don't like very much squirm as they kiss, or at least pretend to kiss Mikey and then I could imagine them dying tragically.

I knew from the word 'go' that Mikey was going to be Romeo. He was the best male here. I didn't know what the other girls were like, but I knew that if Eliza tried hard she could be brilliant.

"We have a clear vote - Romeo and Juliet it is." announced Gerard. Was it just wishful thinking, or did he look a little dissapointed as well? I'd have to find out sometime.

He held up a piece of paper with the list of acting roles on it.

"Everyone who wants to play a part can write their name down, but it's gender specific. If there is more than one person down for any particular role, then we'll have to hold auditions and we'll pick the characters based on acting ability, lesson work, overall maturity and comments from other teachers. I'll pass this sheet around - do feel free to write your name down for more than one role if you'd like."

Mikey was handed the sheet before me. He looked unsure, so I encouraged him.

"Go for Romeo. You're the best actor here!" I whispered. He blushed at the compliment, but followed my advice, if somewhat begrudgingly.

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