We Spark And Fade, They Die By Threes

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Gasoline's POV:

My neck hurt.

Well, practically everything hurt, but my neck had the twangy kind of pain that gets you when you least expect it and don't know how to stop it from hurting.

I woke up properly, running a hand through my hair in the laziest way possible, and tried to remember why my hair was more tangled than a pair of earphones that have been abandoned in a pocket.



That happened.



Would it be awkward between us? I mean, he knew I wouldn't be staying forever and this (you know, the whole taking BL/ ind by storm, killing Korse and generally being heroes thing) was going to be my final act in the Zones; I'd have fulfilled my ambitions so I was planning on leaving on the best note I could.

Hang on, wait a second.

I had completely missed out the fact that I had given Party a blowjob.

What were you thinking?
Genuinely, I have no idea.

I couldn't help but imagine titles for my biography: 'Sixteen And Slutty'? 'Technically Dead But Very Good At Hiding It By Sucking Dick'?

Okay, maybe that one wouldn't sell. But you get the gist of it. Perhaps I was in denial. Yeah, that works...

But onto more pressing matters, I AM GOING TO KILL DRACS TODAY! WITH MY LASER GUN!


In other words, please allow me time so I can find some sand to bury my head into.


I beseech you, please excuse my inexcusable behaviour. I was horrendously sleep- deprived and had barely recovered from the events of the night before.

So, comrades, onwards and upwards!

I managed to get my head straight, my t-shirt on the right way around and my bandana tied and transported myself into BL/ ind HQ through my own personal back door (don't worry, I have heard of closing the goddamned thing). There were three Dracs in the control room, which made me panic for a second. Thankfully, I didn't make any noise and managed to pull my gun out of its holster, steadying my hand and flicking the safety catch off.

I shot two of them, cringing at the very loud and unmistakable 'pew-pew' sound of the laser gun firing, but the third suddenly stood up and the laser only grazed its shoulder. Shit. If I didn't act soon, the Drac facing me was going to sound the alarm. I'd be killed on the spot.


Do something.

At the very last second, my hand finally obeyed my brain's commands and pulled the trigger, the Drac crumpling to the floor with a final gasp and soft thud at my feet.

I knew I couldn't walk around wearing the clothes I'd arrived in, so I pulled the outer layers of uniform off the Drac and put its mask on my face.

It was slightly sweaty underneath the latex, and my vision was quite limited, but I'd pass for one of them as long as nobody asked me to do anything or show my ID. I sat the other Dracs upright in the chairs next to me so anyone passing would hopefully assume that everything was normal. After all, the control room had glass walls and I didn't want a real Drac to come past and wonder why its comrades were lying on the floor and looking very, very dead.

We're All Outcasts (Gerard Way/ MCR Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें