Chapter 1

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I rolled out of bed it was 7:30 A.M. in London. I groaned, today was my uncles funeral, my uncle n i were close, we did so much together, we went to ammusmentparks, shopping, out to dinner, movies, car rides, we even would go to the library and do the dumbest things and would end up getting kicked out. I was smilling remembering it all but my memmory shattered when the one i dread the most came to mind. I gulpped down the sorrow n flicked on the radio. One Directions "What Makes You Beautiful" cmae on. I quickly turned it off and put my IPhone in the dock and turned on my songs, forgetting what hand shaking thing had just occured. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed. It was now 9:30 A.M. . The funeral was going to start in an hour. 

I oringinaly live in New York, Itravel the states with my BFF who ive known all my life basicly, because we were dancers n did tours over the summer because that was the only large ammount of free time we had. My uncle, he did live in London but could visit me whenever he wasnt busy bacuse he was filthy rich. I frowned again thinking about him. I had just gotten a text from my friend letting my thoughts slip from my mind thank goodness.


Marina- Hey, you ready? Im still at my house i can get a ride if u want.

Me- No its ok, i was just about to leave. 

This was hard on us all. I got the keys to my mo-ped bike, walked out of the house and turned the engine with the keys. With no train of thought, "just driving to my friends" i mummbled

Marina's Pov.

Oh gosh, this is fusterating..... I was njust freaking out, I knew how she was with her uncle, it killed me when i looked at her sadened filled face knowing what she was thinking about, about him, about what happened... "We are only 16!" i gasped. Then i felt a wave of sad come over me, he had planned so much for us, so much for her.. Now hes all gone and the plans are all thats left. I heard a knock and my face lit up, but then i saw how sad she was, her feet doing a little nervouse shuffle while she looked down to the ground her head hung. Hey why dont we go?" I said to her putting a reashuring hand on her shoulder  "Ok" she said looking up faking a smile for me. WE climbed on her mo-ped and i held onto the side handle bars for security, and closed my eyes till we got there. When we arrived it opened them in shock i gasped, and as if on cue we both said, "there here..." 

Heyyy, im Suzie this is my fanfiction, this account is shared with my friend marina, her fanfiction is the other one in our work, i love everyone whos reading this, and who are fans, i will have a update tommaro and try to update as soon as i can (maybee every day :0 ;)  thx for reading bi guys ;) 

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