Chapter 9

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Marina's Pov.

She... Woke up... I was so happy. I could finally recoup with her back. I can have that girls night out I planned too!! Yes!!! Niall was figiting with the end of his shirt and his sunglasses.


"Yeah?" oh great now he's mimicking me....

"Are.. Are you ok?"

"I guess." he said while shrugging, like it was no big deal.

"Ok, fine." why did I just say that?!?! No it is not fine he is upset! Urgh!

"I'm gonna go back inside Suzie's room, ya wanna come?" He asked a hint of worry in his voice.

"Do you really want to? After the reason WHY we had to leave in the first place?!?!" He started grinning, oh no.

"Here, come with me instead."

"Where are we going?!?!" I said trying to sound a bit stern but couldn't help but laugh because he was wobbling on purpose as he dragged me along.

"On a adventure!"

"Niall James Horan, what has gotten into you??"

He laughed " Oh just some enthusiasm since the mood swing is now on a total high of happyness!!"

"Ok, as long as I don't get murdered or food thrown at me, Then I'm good!"

Hw grinned at me one last time and started the jogging pace, this time I could keep up with it. We were jogging and laughing until we left the building ran down a ally and he brought me to somewhere so beautiful, my heart literary skipped a beat just watching where he took me. It was beautiful.

Suzie's Pov.

"Of coarse! This seems great!" I said while throwing my arms around Lou. Usually, I don't do this kind of stuff, but it's for Lou and the boys who need this and I'm willing to take my uncles place. I want to become as successful like him.

"I'm glad you are happy" Louis said, sounding a bit shocked.

I came out of the embrace and studied his face. It, it's so pure, I just cans get over him. And a thought struck me interrupting my session of checking him out. It was a thought that I didn't want to ask him... But why did he kiss me?.. Was he happy I was awake? Or... Dose he?... I don't think so.. I felt sad and drooped my head. Louis tilted it back up with his thumb and pointer finger.

"Your bruise, it got.. Better..." He said while pushing back my bangs. I could tell he was lying. And his eyes would wonder to mine but for only a second it seemed like forever though. I didn't respond to him because I didn't want this to end, ever. But sadly I Jinxed it because seine knocked at the door and Louis ignored it, but the person was so kind they didn't wait but barged right in.

Harry's Pov.

It's too late I thought... Louis is all over Suzie, in a way... Hmmm I started to frown, I looked away from them while Louis was staring at me like, uhm you okay? Sure enough I read his mind.

"Hey Harry." Hecsaid nervously scratching his neck.

"you okay?"

"Yea, yea I'm fine, Suzie did Louis uhm tell you the news?"

Suzie's Pov.

Harry sounded a little nervous but had a smile on his face. He sat by my bed side.

"Yea, and I am very happy to tell you that I said yes!"

"You did? Oh this is great! Thank you Suzie!"

He ended with a large embrace. I could feel his breath linger on my neck as he pushed my hair out of the way and turned to Lou smiling. Lou looked pretty steemed, but covered it up well once I turned to him too.

"Well, can ya guys get me out of here by any chance?"

"Well someone is quite anxious" I could hear Lou say almost instantly. I rolled my eyes and hopped off the bed from under the covers. Then I noticed, I was waring a bra with a I <3 Mustache T-Shirt but I didn't have any pants.. Just underware..

"shit" I mumbled

"Looking for thease??" And as if on cue Harry had my Skinny Jeans behind his back.. I snatched them and right after he put his hands up in defense.

I put them on and slipped on my black heels, grabbed my wallet and phone that was in my pants and motioned Harry and Lou to come, but they were wispering and quickly turned to cover it up. As if. Cause I saw them!

"ahem?" I 'coughed'



"sorry Suzie, but seeing our new co vice president/stylist

In her underware, it's quite a sight." He added winking

I then started to blush, why am I blushing? Ugh! They noticed too! This is just a bad way to start my day leaving the hospital, even though the sun is setting.

"Let's just go" I grumbled.

But I stopped in my trackes once we got by the front desk as Harry n Lou signed some papers due to my visit here, because I got a text from Marina.


Marina: You wouldn't belive where Niall took me, this is so cute. The scenery is beautiful:)

"Lou, Harry, don't expect Niall or Marina to be at my place anytime soon, can we just go to yours?"

"Sure I'll walk you to the car" Lou said and with a flip of his keys he put his arm around my shoulders and walked me to the car with Harry following behind. I love this I thought to my self. I love how protective Lou is. But he keeps glancing twords Harry... Odd. We got to the car and drove in silence. It was not a awkward silence. But a stressed one with some tension, ok so it was awkward.

I decided I should start some conversation. And right at that moment the most horrifying thing that could ever happen at this moment popped up like a helium ballon floating twords the sky.......


Sooooo Heyy ya doing good?? K well new update schedual: I WILL UPDATED TBWTS EVERY WEEKEND!!

and I will try to get long chapters (2-3 pages and more!!) also just did a major edit, srry Harry's Pov is sooo short!! I'm gonna have Lou n Harry's Pov's be longer next chapter, a long with all of the boys ;) I'll talk to ya later!! Hidyho! ;P


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