Chapter 4

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Harry's Pov.

We began to speak starting with Liam.

Liam-  "Ello everbody, we are One Direction, from the X-Factor. Max, he meant so many things to us lads, he was like a father, a friend, a helper, and a musician. Without him, we would've never been through what we have."

Louis-  "I agree with Li, and I know everyone else in his family was very sad about lousing him, but we all know it will get better and he will always be in our hearts."

I swear Louis was staring at Suzie the whole time he was talking. Dose Louis have a little crush? Hmmmmm (i sort of smirked at the thought.) I'll ask him later. The two of them shorly had something going on, or maybe not, whatever i cant think about this now.

Niall- " We were lucky to spend the time we got to spend with him, I'll never forget when he bought me a new guitar, it was totally uncalled for." He fineshed smilling.

Zayn-  "We will be praying for you everyday that your second life rocks!"

Zayn was looking up to the glass window on the ceilling with his hands pressed like he was praying, I couldnt help but smile and i saw Suzie and Marina couldnt help it either. Now time for me to say my few words i prepared.

Harry- "We love you uncle Max, we can't wait to see you again someday, we will stick together as One Direction for you."

We walked off back to our seats. Suzie hugged us while saying thank you. Marina hugged us all too. We listened as the rest of Suzie and Max's family went up front and spoke about him. I decided to catch a glance at Louis and, omg.. THEY WERE SECRETLY STARING AT EACHOTHER!! Are they dating and why again am i thinking about this now? "ughh" i acidentally managed to spit ou t while i slumped down in my seat. Marina gave me a dissaproving look thinking i dont care about Max and could care less if i was here or not,  which wasnt true. "My head hurts, thats all, sorry.." i lied. A few people shhh'd me, i gues im a loud whisper'er. I just didnt want Louis and her kissing while the funeral went on, she might be recovering from the sadness sooner though, i guess thats good?

Nialls Pov.

The funeral ended, Suzie and Marina said there goodbyes and left not long after, and we did the same. This whole thing was sad and we all wish it never happened, but it will all get better soon, like Louis said. We all climed into our van because we decided to come as a group. We arrived at Louis and Harry's flat not long after and talked about some decitions as we had a band meeting. We werent our selves but couldnt wait for Suzie and Marina to find out.

Authors Note: Hope you liked it, more to come soon!! i already wrote a chapter its just if i have time to upload, thx for reading, bi bi ;) ~Suzie

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