Chapter 14

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Marina's Pov

"It's been five minutes Niall!! What do we do?!?!"

"Geez calm yourself she will be ba- HEY NO NEED TO SLAP ME!"

"I'm sorry!"

Niall looked down at the floor grinning.

"Oh, your sorry? Are you sure?"

"Niall later."

I gave him a look of sympathy. I'm not sure what I feel for him because I had a little crush on Liam, and still do. I feel like a year has passed and we all matured to better people. Hah. Us mature, not even that wish could be granted. I went into Suzie's room and went onto her Mac desktop. It was a mesage, from her uncle....

Liam's Pov

I am a little scared for Harry.he was running his hands through his hair and recently locked himself into a bathroom. He's a mess. And so is Suzie. I don't mean it in a mean way, but its true. Lou is being a total asshole and Zayn had to leave. Niall is just eating a sandwich.

"Niall, dude we just ate breakfast!"

"Sho whach."

"Niall,I don't like seeing your mouth full of food, Ewh."

"Fine a swallowed! You girl!"

"I'm not a girl!"

"You were sure acting like one!"

Suddenly the front door flew open. Suzie came in with a cut on her wrist. It's been an hour and she came back. I noticed the cut on her wrist was made by something. And right when Suzie took step into the room her tearful mascara face looked at Lou. He had a expression of terrified.

Suzie held out her wrist to him. He looked like he might faint. The blood still dripping from it. Lou wouldn't speak so she only shook her head and went into her room. I heard a shove and a few minutes later Marina let out a scream of


I felt as if I was going to cry myself. It all made sense. She cut her wrist. All because of hate. Hate kills. None of us could let this go too far.

Niall and I were frozen Lou had gotten Harry and we all stood in her doorway. Marina sitting by Suzie's computer watching a video. We all watched it as Suzie fumbled with a pen.


"Ok. This is a short twitcam -sniffle- but I'm recording it. To all of you haters who point out my mistakes. Great and awful mistakes I must say this. You don't need to tell me what I've done and hate me for it. The more of you who do, the worse. So I've done this. - holds up wrist- thank you all for ruining my life more than it is."


Harry's Pov

I ran over to Suzie.

"Suzie, remember what I told you? I told you that I love you. Without you, I would be shattered, broken. No one could fix me. I've loved you since I layed eyes on you. What happened with us that night. It may have been a mistake to you. But I want you to know to me it was a dream come true. I know it was and I wish someday that will happen again. We all know you love Lou the way you look at him, that's the way I look at you. We all love different people. We get heart break and sorrow. But when the day comes that we all know what a mess we are today. We can't go back and fix it because, no one, in this whole world is perfect. Those haters hate because they think it is fun. Please never cut yourself again. I love you."

I now had tears coming down my face as I watched Suzie cry over my shoulder and pull me into a embrace, she let go after a few minutes.

Suzie's Pov.

"No Lou! No please! I know you hate my guts but please stay! Please!"

He turned around. Everyone else was in the house talking. Trying to calm themselves.

"Suzie I don't hate you. I really do like you. I just thought you would never kiss Harry. Why? And I thought you were stronger than that. Cutting yourself? I agree with Harry, please never do it again. I love you too, just not the way Harry dose."

My heart sank. I didn't want to cut myself and promised I would never do it again. People say it feels good, they must be lying. And for Lou to say he dosen't feel the same, that hurts worse than the cut. I knew he didn't because it's too strong of a love. But it is worse when those words come from his mouth.

"Suzie, I can't stay much longer. I have to leave."

And with that he left. I knew he was only going home, but it seemed father than that. Now I know how Harry feels... I went inside hoping no one was near but they were. Liam said he needed to clean my cut and wrap my arm because my cut was a little too deep and could get infected. I let him wrap it but I heard Marina sobbing, because she too was getting hate. It wasn't anything like mine but it was cruel. People heard her and Nialk might be an item. But she also like Liam. Now she found out he has been going out with a Daneille girl who is acually really nice. I think she could be great with him. But it's breaking Marina to pieces.

"Suzie." I could know that voice from a mile away. Even though I was in deep thought.

"Yes Harry."

"I'm sorry for everything. Lou told me he had to cancel the date. He is being a ass right now." My heart felt like it was now put in a blender. Liam finished wrapping my arm. I smiled at him and he returned it as he got up from his kneeling position and nudged Harry.

"Suzie, would you like to go out on a romantic evening with me on Saturday?" He finished with a hopeful smile.

"I- I guess we could."

I heard a roar of YES's from Niall and Liam. I just laughed nervously.

"Harry why don't all five of us go to a movie, and lets invite Zayn too!"

"Wow Suzie are you sure? Your emotions change quite fast I see."

"That's just my way of hiding it, so that movie?"

"Ok let me call him!"

This should get my mind off of Lou. Because I know in a day he will be all fine and happy again. I'm excited for my date with Harry. I just feel something different around him that I don't with Lou. And I like it.


Awhhhh double upload, your wellcome :D





I'm annoying, lol thx 4 reading biii!!


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