Chapter 3

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My Pov.

I watched everyone stare at me... A nice day in May came all down to this, i thought. Most people were crying or quietly sobbing. But Louis and Niall well they had full atention on me. after I took a deep breath, I began to speak.


" Hello, most of you know me as Suzie, or that dancer girl who has a show with her best friend on M.T.V....' I trailled off for a moment. " Or you might know me as the girl who's mother is in a mental home and her dad is in the millitary fighting to the death... Not peace i disagree because we would not be here right now if it were fighting for peace." I felt my voice rose while i talked, my eyes got watery, and everyone either looked shocked or confuzed. The One Direction Boys looked mainly shocked and some looked like they agreed. 

I spotted a pianno, my heart filled with joy but tears streamed down my face thinking about wonderful memorys that were now so sad. Before i knew it though i was talking. " You all know my uncle was a tallented musician, that if you had an instrument, he would play it, and if you named a song he would sing it." This brought little smiles to everyones faces. " Well when I was 5 he taught me how to play the pianno..." Everyone had confuzed or surprised looks on their faces. Marina even gasped, but when i looked over to the boys on the other side of her, Louis and Niall started smilling, and oh gosh so was Liam and Harry and Zayn! He told them, i thought. My very own uncle told them and only them and didnt tell a single soul untill now. He must talk about me. But i could'nt help but smile with them. I finaly spoke up again, "Let me show you all something that is the only way i can tell you how close to my heart my uncle is to me" I walked over to the pianno, closed my eyes and played a song a little similar to the one in the movie The Last Song. Everyone clapped in achnolegment when i fineshed because you shouldnt clap in a funeral. When i sat down all the boys game me hugs and said good job with warming smiles, but Louis gave me one of his famouse charming smiles and whispered, " I always knew you sounded that good when your uncle told us." He smiled again and walked up behind the rest of the boys heading to the front. I smilled so big cause of Louis, I also blushed, and he noticed. Then they got up front, they were about to give a speech about how much they love my uncle as "family." I needed to hear this.

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