Chapter 10

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Hey hey hay!! YA KNO WAT!?!?! I mentioned in a earlier chapter that when I get to chapter ten, I have a surprise... Well the surprise is I'm going to write a NEW book!!! It is going to be another fanfic 1D of coarse but this one will mostly be Harry. Just mainly Harry. Thought it might be a little cute. Got some ideas 4 it from another watty fanfic so I decided 2 do 1 plus I LOVE Harry ;) ok enough of this enjoy the chapter!!

Niall's Pov.

I held her hand. I was just so happy around her. I didn't even know what to say to her sometimes. IM SUCH A DORK!!

"What was that?" Marina looked a little confused.

"Uhm, I like pork?..." she started smiling, and then laughing.

"Oh Niall, you and your food!! Fine we will get some food anyway cause I'm starting to get hungry too!"

Ok she bought it and I am hungry, maybe she just read my mind. No, stupid you just said you liked pork of coarse she thinks your hungry!! I stoped mentally arguing with my self, noticing some flowers. They looked pink. I waked over to them while Marina tied her shoe, picked some and when she was done with her shoe I handed them to her with a smile on my face. I probably looked lik I was in second grade, handing flowers to my crush.

"thank you" she said.

"No problem, I wanted too."

and with that she started blushing. We arrived at the condos they stay at and we ran up to Marina and Suzie's. Marina shuffled with the key and finally got the door open we stepped inside as I watched her scramble to put the flowers in a coffee mug.

"A coffee mug? For flowers?"

"Hey don't pick on me, we don't have a vase."

She giggled and walked twords me. We were a few feet apart, but I made sure that didn't last long. I got closer ands made it that we were only a few centimeters apart from our noses touching. Her eyes widened and I smiled. I wanted to kiss her. So bad.

She moved back.

"do you wanna watch a movie?" she suggested. I frowned but only for a split second to cover it up so it wasn't so obviouse that I like her. Maybe me about to kiss her was a little obviouse but, I did that to Suzie to make Harry jelouse even though I was kidding and she said eww Niall! While laughing of coarse cause we are all friends. That was the first time I met her I thought. Oh how fun that was! But I feel bad now because Harry still likes her, but so dose Lou. Poor Suzie, I bet she likes Lou though.... A lot. I hope she makes the right choice whoever that will be.

"Niall?" Marina waved her hand in my face and I snapped to reality.

"Niall, what we're you thinking? Acually I don't wanna know." she said as she waved a hand like she forgot about it. Good thing she said that though because I can't tell her Lou and Harry like Suzie, because even if I tell her not to tell, she will tell Suzie. I sighed and walked over to Marina where she was hunched over a box FULL discs.

"What movie are we watching?"

"Would Greese be good?" I smiled a huge smile.

"Of coarse! That is my favorite!"

She smiled and piped the DVD in the player. We both sat next to eachother on the couch and I couldn't help but take quick glances at her. She never noticed though. I hope.


The movie ended and it's 11:38 PM

I guess I'm the only one who could stay up, Marina passed out. But I can't blame her she hadn't gotten much sleep while Suzie was in the hospital. I got up and put a blanket on Marina, she already had a pillow and looked pretty comfertable. Lou and Harry sent me a group MeSAGE saying Liam had exciting news, and that Suzie is staying the night at there place. I couldn't wait to hear the news because it had to do with us as a band and we got eliminated off the X-Factor for third place so, I hope this is better than us re-auditioning for the X-Factor. I thought I should go but I sat down in a big love seat as I was thinking and quietly dozed off.

Harry's Pov

The music was blaring already from the club as Suzie, Lou and I inched closer. Suzie Had a strapless short black dress that was fitted tight and showed off her curves. And to top it off her makeup was lively and she had on some gold heels. They came from the car we took her in to the hospital, first of all because it was her car, second she leaves clubbing cloths in there just in case. Smart I thought. She looked so happy, but also so hot. I licked my lips as I looked at her. Shit, she's making me horney I thought to myself. We got up to the bouncer. We were at London's most exclusive club but we got let in fast because all three of us are famouse of coarse. Imedeatly Suzie wanted to dance. Well of coarse I thought. Because she is a pro hip-hop dancer. And I suck. Lou and I looked at eachother as she shrugged and made her way to the crowd. We followed her and she and a pretty good looking guy had there hands all over each other because they were doing some hard core club dancing. The kind they do in music videos when the singer is talking about how they want the other person to basicly be on top of them. I got so steemed, so did Lou. But in a couple more minutes Suzie and the guy stopped and she kissed him on the cheek and said see you around.

"uhmm... What was that?" I said

"A friend of mine who I know from getting gigs here. I dont like him that way but he sure dose dance good so I asked him if he wanted to dance since you two dont." she ended with a pouty face.

"fine I'll dance with you." Lou said. And as he said that a slow song came on. They both smiled at each other. Lou took Suzie's hand and led her to the dance floor. I looked away because I just couldn't watch. Why do I like her... I'm going to get my heart broken. It's not fair.. I soon spotted a girl, around my age. Good thing there's no drinking in this club. Just a teen dance club since Suzie and I are only 16. But Lou is lucky since he's 18. He could have snuck us into a far more hard core club. The song ended. Great I thought. And I made my way over to the girl I started flirting with her and got her number. Harry, your such an asshole... Because you still like Suzie. I couldn't help my self though, because I will always have my players ways. As long as I'm with Suzie they will be gone, forever.

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