Chapter 6

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Suzie's Pov.

I opened the door, to find the boys smiling lightly, it was a welcome smile i could tell. I led them inside while my eyes flickered to Louis'. He didn't notice i thought and trailled behind them. 

Niall: "So wheres Marina?"

Suzie: "ermm, somewhere around here, lemme get her, just a second."

Niall: Ok

I shuffled along the narrow hallway in our house that led to 3 rooms, i looked into the first bedroom, and to my luck i found her, but she had her back facing me and a light breeze was flowing into the room but still gave me goose bumps.

"Hey" i said soflty. I caught her attention and she turned around and smiled. I couldnt even catch a second glmpse of her face because she darted right out of the room and made her way down the hall, and slid down the stairs, i could hear voices so they must be talking. 

I started to make my way to the door way but something smashed into my head and the last thing i saw was a crooked smile gaping down at me.

Marina's Pov.


"Hey!" i said maybe a little to excited, but the guys didnt seem to notice.

"There you are!" Liam said. 

"We were all waiting for you, weve got some news!.... But hey, now wheres Suzie?

I didnt even notice she hadent followed me down here.

"Shes coming, just upstairs still, she wont be long."

"Ok but we cant wait to tell you guys!! We think you might find it fasinating." Said Zayn.

"well, why dont you just tell me now, and we will all tell Suzie when shes down here!"

"Sounds like a plan!" they all cheered.

Liam started explaining how they all agreed to have us work with them, Suzie can do some song writting, few decisions, and back up dancing. I would be doing back up dancing, and help with booking hotels, and concerts.

Harry's Pov.

"So are you up for it?" I asked hoping i would get a yes, sure enough i did.

"Of coarse oh my gosh this is great, I cant wait for Suzie to hear Oh my gosh!!" Marina had to cover her mouth to keep from rambeling anymore and we all started to laugh.

"Well i dont know whats been taking her so long up there, its been almost ten minutes and we want to hear her react....."

"Niall what is it man??" I asked him, he was the only one facing the stairs in the way we were seated, so we turned and could not belive what we had seen, it was shocking, terifying, and unbeliveable all at once. 

Marina gasped quickly and ran upstairs not long after we heard a scream right when we got up to ask this guy a few questions.

But we all had a bad feeling the scream, was because of Suzie because right when we heard it all our faces were shocked. We were scared and confused, so Louis and Zayn bolted upstairs tp see Suzie while the rest of us, needed to talk to this guy right now.

Max's Pov.

Fakeing death was dumb, crule, and horrid, but i had no other choice but to act like that explosion in that small country in the woods effected me badly, so i could start a new life, i came here and needed to appoligize and clear things up, but I heard someone scream, possibly Marina, but now, three of the boys closet to me were jabbing me with questions like explain your self, why are you here, and are you for real?? I sighed and told them my story it was fast, and they just ignored me after. Suzie was then being carried down the stairs by Louis, Marina was crying and Harry and Zayn looked Like they were going to puke. Niall grabbed his car keys, Liam did the same and yelled, EVERYONE IN THE CARS WE NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL.

I felt a lump in my throat, but didnt cry cause come on, I'm 38, I cant be crying right now, but i wanted to since my princess (that is what he calls her, sorry for it being cheesy) is laying limp in someones arms, with her chest rising slowly, too slowly.

Louis' Pov:

A tear streamed down my face, how did this happen and why? racced through my head with great speed, i felt a little dizzy. I sat her in the car with her head leaning on me whilewe drove there. In the car with me was, Marina in the passenger seat, bawling out her eyes, Liam driving and... Max next to me. 

We arrived at the hospital and Niall wasnt too far behind. We ran so fast, well me as fast as i could while holding a girl. Then i thought shes not just a girl shes, the girl. The girl? i didn't even try for that thought to come to me. Do I have feelings for her? Hmm well maybe i do, but i need to get her in this place, I thought to keep me motivated. Once we got in the hospital at thr emergency entrance I layed Suzie onto a Strecher and Marina told the nurse about her condition, how she was just laying there, lifeless and all of a sudden breating again in almost a half a minute. The nurse scribbled it onto her clip boared and showed us to th ER's waiting room while two other nurses wheeled her down a hall pushiong through two big swingy doors making it impossible for me top see her. 

I sat down with the rest of the lads and Marina, who was still crying but a little less now. I soonly stood up because i couldnt stay still. I leaned my head up againsty the wall pounding my fist into it a few times, and stayed like that for a while so no one could see my tear swolen face, even though i wasnt crying much. Harry was ferociously running his hands through his curls and pacing a little, Niall's head was in his lap, his arms covering it, Liam was calming Marina a bit, and Zayn was still, in compleat and utter shock. I couldnt blame him though, as I was still a mess leaning against the wall with me not facing anyone.

I think i fell asleep like that for a hour as i opened my eyes and took a step back. I checked my phone and sure enough i did. I turned to face everyone who were all sitting in chairs, Zayn with a blank ezpression and super pale face made eye contact first. Everyone elses faces were either red, or puffy, or both. Not long after i walked over to a chair and sat down with my head facing down, letting some tears fall, the nurse came in. My head shot up and she oped her mouth to speak to us the current effects of this awful tradgedy of today.


Heyyy guyss, sorry for such a LATE update ;( atleast its here now!! watchya think of this chappi?? and where do you think uncle maxxy is?? i thnk i like the sound of that, uncle maxxy, ok enough of that;)

5 VOTES FOR NEXT CHAPTER???  i think yes ;) bi bi now


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