Chapter 2

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Namjoon was reading a novel about true love. If only Jesy was as easy as the girl in this book. He liked Jesy the way she was but he really wished that she would show more of an interest in him. She's not interested.

Ray Ray came to sit on the bench at that moment. "What you reading bro?" He grabbed the book and began to page through. "What a bust? It's all in Korean." He gave it back to Namjoon. "Can you speak it fluently?"

Namjoon nodded. "I've told you this before." He looked to the entrance of the rink. "She's late today."

Ray shrugged. "She'll be here. She probably has homework or something."

Namjoon gave him a sceptical look. "Are we sure that she goes to-"

"Guess who?" Jesy came in on her skateboard.

"Jesy!" Namjoon stood to hug her but Ray shoved him to the ground and hugged her instead.

"What's up girl?" Ray asked looking down at Namjoon struggling to his feet.

"It's all good." Jesy looked at Namjoon too. "When did he fall?"

"I don't know." Ray shrugged.

Namjoon shook his head. "What's new Jesy?"

Jesy tried not to grin. "Rich people moved into my neighbourhood."

Ray Ray and Namjoon were not expecting her to actually have something to tell them. "Rich people?" They both said.

The other guys stopped their tricks to come up to them and greet Jesy.

"What's going on over here?" Prince asked removing his helmet and then drinking some of his water.

Ray Ray pulled a juice box out of his bag and handed it to Jesy. "Jesy here says that rich folk moved into the house next to hers."

Jesy thanked Ray gratefully and drank from the box. She finished it in seconds and then tossed it into a nearby trash can.

"Rich folk you say?" Calum seemed to be forming a plan in his head. "Let's rob 'em." He whispered.

Michael smacked him. "Let's not. We'd get in trouble." He smiled at Ray. "And who needs to rob rich people when they've got rich friends." They all started hooting at Ray Ray.

Ray rolled his eyes. "I ain't rich. I'm just not broke like all of you." He folded his arms. "Have you been watching them or something?" He asked the eager looking Jesy.

Jesy scratched the back of her neck. "I might have been." She brushed her nails against her clothes. "There's a mum and two daughters."

"Daughters?" All boys said.

Calum stepped closer. "What do they look like?" He was smirking.

Jesy was thoughtful. "They're . . . both black . . . light skin, curly hair, they're pretty cute from what I've seen. I think they're twins."

"Twin hot chicks? Yes! We need to get them to join our crew guys." Calum sounded more excited than any of them had ever heard him. "Then we can all have a gang bang!"

A guy who was passing them shook his head in disgust. He continued walking after.

Prince snickered. "That blonde dude was giving you a dirty look Cal."

"I don't care." Calum fanned him off while Prince and Michael shared a laugh. "Did you take a picture?"

Jesy shook her head. "Why would I take a picture of two girls?"

"You said they were cute." Michael challenged.

"Yeah. People think that dogs are cute but they don't just take pictures of them now do they?"

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