Chapter 5

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"Okay but it's like seven o'clock now. It's late!" Jesy said as she ran behind Leigh. They had gone out for ice cream and ended up going site seeing.

"Seven??" Leigh-Anne stopped and turned to look at Jesy. "How do you know?"

Jesy caught up to her and panted. "The big clock said it was around six-forty when we were leaving so I'm assuming since a lot of time has passed since then and now that it's about seven." Damn this kid is hard to keep up with. What does she run on? Air? She had enjoyed the ice cream though. She got ice cream from the guys a few times before but Leigh had bought her a flavour she had never tasted. I think I like the peanut butter more than the chocolate.

Leigh-Anne got her phone out and shrieked. "It's seven thirty and my mum has been calling me for hours!" She held Jesy's hand and started running.

Jesy did not think that people could be like this girl. She was so friendly and feely. She literally just met me.

Leigh stopped in front of her house and breathed hard.

Jesy did so as well. "Yeah you should get in there before you get grounded or whatever happens to you people when you disobey your parents."

"Right. Now go. Go home Jesy." Leigh-Anne ran up to her door.

Jesy was about to walk off but she remembered something. "I'm supposed to get paid." She followed Leigh to the door.

Leigh-Anne knocked on the door and waited anxiously.

It was opened by her sister. Sairah leaned on the side of the door. "You're in trouble."

Jesy gulped. "Does that mean that I am too? Am I gonna get paid?" She had a finger raised coming closer.

Sairah shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe not. Mum's pretty mad."

Jesy sighed. She watched the pizza in her hand. At least I got some food out of it right?

"There you are!" Leigh's mother came up to the doorway. She pointed at Jesy. "You! You were supposed to watch her. Where were you two?" She did look mad.

"Oh uhh . . ." Jesy started in a stammer. "I was . . ."

"It was my fault." Leigh-Anne rubbed the back of her neck. "I kind of just ran out and she chased me." She looked to the ground.

Jesy thought about that. It's not completely wrong.

"Why did you run out sweetheart?" Her mother held her gently by the arm and pulled her in. She noticed a graze there. "What happened?"

Jesy felt like she did a horrible job. "Yeah I'm just gonna go now so bye." She turned around to leave.

"No wait." Leigh-Anne looked up at her mother. "Pay her." She said softly.

Her mother sighed. "Well she did keep an eye on you." She pulled her purse out of her jacket and pulled out a hundred pound note. Here you are. Thank you." She looked down at Leigh-Anne. "You are in big trouble though."

Leigh nodded then watched Jesy.

Jesy was staring at the note as if it was a brand new car. Yassss! Wait till Johnny sees this! She had never seen one of these up close. She felt very accomplished. "Thank you so much." She bowed her head a little and then ran off happily. I should go grocery shopping.

Leigh-Anne smiled. "That was really nice of you Mum. Why'd you give her extra?" She was being brought farther inside gently by her arm.

Her mother made her sit at the table. "I don't know. I was too lazy to calculate how much I actually owed." She was looking at Leigh-Anne's arm. "How did this happen again?"

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