Chapter 14

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On Tuesday, Jesy nervously walked with her head down through the halls of Leigh's school. It was an hour before lunch break and she was looking for Sairah as she had decided to tell Leigh's older sister so that Jade and Perrie could get beat up.

Last night, after she had listened to Leigh get scolded by her mother, she and Johnny had slept together in her bed. She had thought of the entire situation and found it best for Jade and Perrie to get what they deserved for being horrible black mailers.

Sure lying is wrong but in this case it's making everything right. Those two are evil.

She stopped walking in front of the class which a teacher had told her was where Sairah was. Boy do I hope she listens. She would hate for this to backfire on her. All of this anxiety and guilt was painful for her. It almost made her feel like just going back to hiding in her room from the world.

She would do that if she was a wimp. After Johnny had talked to her about seeing her acting career as the only way out, she felt motivated to work twice as hard to achieve her dream. Hard work would get her far. Watching Leigh study hard also made her open to the idea of working her butt off. That was why she had been practicing for the entire morning, putting all of her energy into acting different roles.

Ms. Marigold was not here today because she was travelling to America for a reason that she had texted Jesy was a surprise. Jesy had a feeling she knew what it was though. Practice was cancelled for today and for the rest of the duration that she would be gone for.

Jesy got to the entrance of Sairah's classroom breathless. She was going to knock on the door politely but noticed that there was no teacher present. "Hmmm . . ." She peeped inside and noticed that all of the kids were just sitting around and talking. Plenty were on their phones. Paper planes soared through the air and so did paper balls where some guys were playing around.

Aren't they supposed to be learning? She walked inside and began looking from the front for Leigh-Anne's sister.

"Aye look, it's you sister's girlfriend Sairah." A guy said causing everyone to look to the front.

Many guys seemed to be checking Jesy out.

Sairah raised an eyebrow from the back of the class where she had been chatting up some guy and then stood. "Jesy? Why are you here?"

Jesy beckoned at her to come. She did not want everyone to hear this.

Sairah looked confused but simply went up to Jesy.

The class, which had been silent to give Jesy their attention, was noisy once more.

Sairah stood up front with Jesy. "What is it?" She glanced to the back where the boy was. He was making faces to get her to laugh. She did. Guys are so dumb.

"Look uh . . ." How exactly do I put this? Jesy was suddenly lost for words. She was not used to communicating in forms of lies. This was tricky. I should be able to do this. I'm an actress! "Your . . . girls . . ."

Sairah was not listening but making faces back. I bet I look hot even while I'm doing silly faces. Let me do one of the ones Leigh always pulls. She tried it.

"They're after her . . ." Jesy realized that Sairah's attention was elsewhere and snapped her fingers in her face. "This is serious. There are girls-"

"Okay yeah that's nice. Let me get back to you on that later alright? Right now I'm busy with class." Sairah patted Jesy on the head and then started moving back to her seat.

Jesy was following her. "There are girls after your sister."

Sairah looked at her. "What?" She was frowning.

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