Chapter 23

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"That's why we keep apologizing. Yes we should have been watching her but-"

"Shut the f*ck up. I am suing and that is that." Mrs. Pinnock was in the principal's office around evening time looking downright livid. She was pacing in front of the principal's desk.

The person who had spoken to her was Jade's father. With a case like this, it would be kind of tricky to be proven innocent. His daughter had been aware of the other girl's state but Sairah did hit her. But Jade's done a lot though. They had been informed of the gravity of the situation by a wounded and frightened Perrie as well as a Jesy wearing an oxygen mask.

The principal had ended up having to call the police for Sairah because she had been impossible to deter. Luckily, the cops had shown up quickly and could stop her from killing Jade Thirlwall. Sairah had been arrested and an ambulance had shown up for the beaten up Jade. The state of the room had been insane with one girl holding a bloody arm with a pen in it and teachers scattered on the floor. Another young woman had been crying and screaming on the ground with tears in her eyes, her face red along with her eyes.

The school day had been cancelled due to the disturbance. Many students had been unable to focus because of the police's presence. Other authorities kept showing up and the news anchors filed in after. All of that combined with the information of Leigh's being ill and the fact that the girl was now missing while capable of suicide, made all students unable to stop talking about the issues going on. Teachers could not start a lesson. Kids wanted to know exactly what was happening. Leigh's class especially was on edge.

"We understand that you're upset Mrs. Pinnock but-" The principal of the school had an overall dishevelled appearance about him because of everything that had happened. A search party was now in progress to find the missing Leigh-Anne. Students had been asked to leave early but a lot of them were still around with questions, their parents about as well, concerned about their kids' safety.

"You should have handled this better! I am suing this school also because you only treated this as a minor issue when I specifically told you to deal with it seriously. And now my child is bloody missing when we all know that she's not in a good way because of these people's children! What am I supposed to do if they find her dead??? I can't even . . ."

"Ma'am come on. If you knew that your daughters were unstable then why did you allow them to attend regular school? As far as I'm concerned, this could have been avoided. Your kid f*cking stabbed my Perrie in the shoulder." Perrie's mother was present as well. Apparently, today was the day that she was due to come home from a business trip. She had wanted to surprise her daughter but had been called to this instead.

Leigh's mom snapped her head in her direction. "Your daughter is the one who triggered her."

"But you knew she could be easily triggered and you still put everyone in danger." Jade's father became more defensive then. He had been sitting but he got up to stand at the side of Perrie's mom.

"Come on now. All of the blame is on your kids. Perrie said so. They drove our neighbour mad! Did you see the girl's face? She'd had an oxygen mask on it for crying out loud. Clearly that says something about how awful your kids are. Plus all of the evidence from students points to them as the issue. Sairah and Leigh-Anne are good kids."

"Good kids are they? Ha! MY DAUGHTER GOT STABBED TODAY!" Perrie's mother got in her face.

Leigh-Anne's mom struggled to compose herself. "You-"

"And now Jade's in the hospital." Jade's dad brushed a hand over his face. "It sounds bad but what she did wasn't worth being beat to a pulp. You want to sue us but we may very well win the case."

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