Chapter 9

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"Don't feel bad Jesy. This is for your own safety." Ray said tossing pizza crust from the slice he had just eaten into the empty box at the centre of their circle.

"He's right. She was only crying because her f*cked up mind was having trouble processing what was happening. You're her victim. She can't imagine life without her favourite toy." Michael pointed the edge of his crust at her as if pointing something very important out.

"What did you say she had again?" Prince had a frown aimed at Michael. It seemed the boy was confused.

"Manic depressive disorder or something like that." Jesy told them. She had come here feeling bummed about leaving Leigh. The guys had been trying to cheer her up all night. It was close to midnight now and they were finishing up a snack. She was very grateful for all the food she had been getting from them. They probably did not understand how much of a great service they were doing her.

"I don't think that people with that see others as toys." Namjoon was reading a text book and still conversing occasionally.

"Man put that away. You don't even do philosophy at school. You're a high school student for crying out loud." Ray made a grab for the book but Namjoon held it away from him.

"I will do as I please." Namjoon told him smartly.

"Anyway, after this, you need to stay clear of her. She's a whack job. She gave you your first kiss when you didn't even want it." Calum stared at her hard in wait of a direct denial.

Jesy bit her lip as she remembered the kiss once more.

Ray was staring too. When five seconds passed, he nodded at Calum to continue what he was saying. They were still worried. Jesy did not seem to have a problem with the kiss. That made his heart hurt.

"What's next? She's gonna be your first time? Do you want that?" Calum gazed hard.

Jesy was silent for a bit. "I don't know to be honest." She tossed her crust into the box. "The chick is hot and her lips are nice." She shrugged.

"She's lesbian!" Princeton shouted.

Jesy shrugged again. "I wouldn't say that. She just isn't gross. Her attractiveness makes up for how sick she is." That sounded bad didn't it?

Namjoon shook his head. "Please just stay away. It doesn't matter how attractive she is. You could get hurt. The way that you described her reaction to your leaving leads me to think that she may be a little obsessed with you."

"Either that or she's in love. Since we know that she's unstable upstairs I'll go with the obsessed idea." Princeton drank from a soda.

Jesy yawned. "Is that really a bad thing though?"

"Uh yeah! It is." Ray Ray and the others were nodding. "I know that you don't watch movies but damn. She could end up killing you." He just didn't want her near someone who she could like that was not him. Stupid crazy chick. She wasn't all that hot from the picture. I'm hotter.

Jesy sighed as Leigh's teary eyes came to mind. "I still feel bad though." Her throat had a lump in it up to now.

"It's normal for you to feel guilty I guess. It's not the girl's fault that she is the way she is. Those issues are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. She can't just snap her fingers to make it disappear." Namjoon closed his book and then stood. "We've all got school tomorrow. We should get to sleep."

"Right." Calum stood then pointed at his bed. "Me and Jesy will take the bed while the rest of you sleep in sleeping bags." He smirked at the girl.

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