Chapter 26

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And just like that they were now at a restaurant.

Jesy found that the place looked nice. She was using her camera to snap pictures of it. "Nice." The scrap book was gonna be lit. When she faced Leigh once more she saw that the girl was smiling at her. "Um . . ."

"Hm? Oh uh ehem so . . . has a pretty girl like you ever been to a place like this?" Leigh-Anne spoke as smoothly as she could and did the sexiest face she could muster.

Jesy raised an eyebrow before chuckling. "I actually haven't."

Leigh nodded. "It's really where all the guys take their girls. Of course in our case it's nothing like that at all." She winked still trying to sound smooth.

Jesy laughed at her. "What the hell?" They were the only people here because of the hour of the afternoon. This place was probably more of a night time place.

Leigh stopped. "Ha ha . . . uh . . ." She picked up a spoon and put it at the top of her lips. "I can balance it."

Jesy shook her head. "Can't we all? You just look-"

"May I take your order ladies?" The waiter showed up at that point.

Leigh turned to him with the spoon on her lip then took it off. "Oh umm . . ." She picked her menu up. It was not one of the fanciest restaurants but it was definitely fancier than a fast food place. I honestly have never been here before. I'm lucky I found it. Cool. Her luck was just excellent wasn't it? "I'll have this and Jesy will take that." She pointed to what she wanted and showed it to the waiter.

"Wait but I wanna at least see what you're ordering." Jesy said but the waiter left in a hurry. "What the . . . what did you get me?"

"You seem like you'd like every food Jes. I'm sure you'd like this. Look." Leigh pointed at the word for Jesy.

Jesy was too lazy to read it. "I seem like I'd like every food? What is that? Are you calling me fat?"

"Wait no I . . ." Leigh covered her mouth at the now sceptical Jesy. "It's just that you're always so grateful for food so . . . wait I mean . . . Leigh you idiot!"

Jesy leaned away at the outburst. "Now, now. Don't get all fretful."

Leigh-Anne did not mean to say that out loud at all. She was now covering her mouth, wondering why she was acting even more embarrassing than usual of late. I should take a pill for real. There was one that could help her to relax. Maybe she should step out to pop it in. "Sorry."

Jesy smiled. "I wasn't offended by what you said. I was just pulling your leg."

"But why would you even call yourself fat? You keep saying that and it's so weird because you're really not." Leigh giggled.

"Hmm." Jesy sipped from the glass of water at the table. "Are you one of those people who fat shame others?"

"Jesy of course not. Why would you ask that? I'm a very cultured young woman who believes that everyone should embrace whatever body they've got. Just love yourself everyone. Love yourself how you are. Yay!" She clapped and pumped fists in the air.

Jesy found her cute. "Easy for someone like you to say."

Leigh rolled her eyes. "My body really isn't perfect. It probably looks that way because I'm so proud of it. I'm always flaunting it because I love myself. Despite how insecure you think I am." She winked at Jesy and danced with her shoulders.

"Well today you're dressed pretty conservative. What happened? Tired of flaunting it?" Jesy had wanted to ask about the T-shirt since earlier but just left it alone.

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