Chapter 17

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Jesy was seething at the start of drama practice with her arms folded.

"Why do you look that way Jesy? Your face is red." Ms. Marigold asked in astonishment. She and Jesy were standing at the front of the stage while the rest of the cast filed in. Jesy kept making this occasional snake-like noise.

Jesy had her eyes glued to Jade and Perrie where they were both chatting. "I smell a rat." She grumbled. As soon as she had gotten Leigh to her room earlier, the girl had fallen into her bed and started crying. Jesy had lied with her to try to comfort her but absolutely nothing worked. She left Leigh-Anne crying her eyes out. She would have stayed but Ms. Marigold had been calling her. She did not want to disappoint the woman who did so much for her so she told Leigh that she had to run.

"A rat?" The teacher was very lost. She decided to let that slide when she saw that Jesy was glaring at Jade and Perrie. "It's alright dear. They won't get anyone else to hurt you alright? I believe that they've learned their lesson." She was rubbing Jesy's back gently.

Jesy wanted to tell her everything about what they did to Leigh earlier but she held back.

"Alright! As usual we'll start with the conflicting scenes between Lisa and Chelsea." Ms. Marigold found herself in the middle of the area in front of the stage, calling everyone's attention. "Jade?" She gestured to the brunette and then Jesy. "Go on girls."

Jesy kept growling as she and Jade climbed onto the stage through opposite stair cases. Go to f*cking hell you bitch. She had never in her life felt this mad at a person . . . actually she had. This sort of anger was rare for her. She never thought that she would feel it again.

Jade met Jesy at centre stage with a smile, as usual acting as if nothing was happening.

"You again." The brunette uttered. It was a line from the script she memorized. They were performing a scene now.

Perrie grew a huge grin as she watched her best friend in action. It's not so hard for her to act like she hates Jesy because she does! I actually like Jesy though . . . too bad she hates me. She tried to not feel sad by that. What she and Jade were doing was necessary.

"Yes me." Jesy's character spat. "Did you think that I would just disappear?" The room was quiet as all eyes were attentively on them. She too had this scene memorized.

Jade's character folded her arms and narrowed her eyes. "I was hoping so. Hasn't the big city proven to be too much by now?"

Jesy glared. "No ma'am. I can handle anything that comes my way." She got up in Jade's face. "The big things," She looked her up and down. "And the small thi- hahahaha!"

Jade frowned. "What? That's not in the script." She was lost as to why Jesy was now laughing hard.

Ms. Marigold raised an eyebrow before she herself chuckled. "What is it?" Jesy had a contagious laugh. Others were giggling.

Jesy was having a hard time catching her breath. "Sorry, I'm really sorry but . . ." She eyed Jade again. "Look at her. You picked the perfect person to play an evil shrimp as you described Chelsea. She's literally that."

That got everyone laughing hard.

Jade looked offended. Her big eyes blinked. "I'd have you know that I look nothing like a shrimp you moron."

Jesy was stomping her feet and pointing. "You're right. You look like . . ." She took in a deep breath after laughing long. "Dumbo!"

Everyone found that so odd that they laughed harder.

"Dumbo? Jesy where are you getting this from?" The drama teacher had a hand to her mouth as she tried to hide giggles.

Perrie gave a sad pout. "Don't say that. It's not true."

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