Chapter 7: Tell me..

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      Romeo walked down the steps of his house and I waited for him. He looked at me all the way down the steps. "You look amazing, Idalis." He says giving me a kiss on my cheek. His kisses are warm and I love them. "Your house.. It looks amazing itself!" I say. "Gracias." He opens his arm so I can slip mine through his and we walk inside. The inside was beautiful. "How many rooms are in here?" I ask out of curiousity. "5 big master bedrooms. 3 down here and 2 upstairs." "Wow.. 5 master bedrooms and you live by yourself?" "Pretty much. I haven't found the perfect reina to share it with yet. The King needs his Queen, you know." I smiled. I'm right here. We sit down in his kitchen and I start smelling delicious food. "The food smells great." I told him. He nodded and the chef came to serve us. Lobster, Shrimp, mashed potatoes and caesar salad. Wow, this looks good. Romeo smiled at me and I blushed.

We started eating and we began to talk about ourselves. "Tell me about yourself Idalis. Tell me everything." He insisted. "Okay. Well, I have one sister named Rochely that lives with me, my mom. and dad with her daughter and boyfriend, Christian. My brother Hector moved to Malibu with his girlfriend and son. He's the middle child and i'm the youngest one. Rochely is the oldest out of us three, she's 22 years old." I explained. Romeo seemed really interested in my life story. "Where are you from?" He asked. "Bueno, my mom is Dominican and my dad is Trinidadian. But I mostly see myself as a Dominican child." "Have you ever been to Trinidad before?" "Only once. Just to see my dad's side of the family." "Oh, that's nice." "Yeah, and you? Tell me about your life." I smiled. He smiled and cleared his throat. I giggled a bit.

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