Chapter 11: K.I.N.G

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My alarm clock went off at 4' o clock just like I set it yesterday. I got up from my bed and stretched. "Goodmorning my love." Romeo said to me kissing my cheek. "Goodmorning cariño." I smiled. We did our hygienes and got dressed to meet Dad downstairs with our luggages. I wore my flowy red maxi halter top dress and Romeo wore his red button down shirt with Khaki shorts and Chestnut brown sandals. "I see you guys matched up." Dad teased. "Yeah, apparently." Romeo chuckled. I hugged Daddy and we walked out in front of the house. The same limo driver who took me to Romeo's house for dinner drove us to a very special jet place where all of the celebrities jets are parked. I saw Nicki Minaj's hot pink jet, Pitbull's jet, August Alsina's jet , And my baby done parked his jet in the front.. Just to be clear that he's the King! I love his conceitedness..

We got inside his gold jet with his name in bold on the front in script. The inside was amazing! It was huge and beautiful! There was a room in the back, one in the middle and chairs that looked like royal chairs used at a rich medieval dinner. Romeo's chair was in the front -duh- it was a King's throne. And the silver throne alongside of it, was the Queen's throne. Mine! Romeo introduced us to the driver and the pilot. Enrique Sureno -the driver- and Roberto Guandique -our pilot-. They both seemed really friendly but the pilot kept eyeing me.. Once we got settled in the jet, Dad went into the room in the middle for some rest. He suggested that we get rest too because Roberto informed us that we had a long way to go. "Come on babe." Romeo held my hand a lead me to the room in the back. When we got inside, there was this super huge King sized bed! A jacuzzi in the corner! And an amazing window view of our flight! "This is beautiful bae." I said. "I know, I arranged everything just in case I found someone like you." He kissed me deeply and we fell on the bed. I started giggling when he stopped and looked into his daring eyes. He looked into mine too. Then he started kissing me some more but on my neck. "Baby, we shouldn't do this right now." I stopped him. "Why not babe?" "My Dad is with us and I made a promise that I wouldn't lose my virginity until my next birthday." "Te olvidastes de la proteccion?" I chuckled. "No, mi amor. Tu vez que ahora es muy temprano para esto. Can we wait awhile?" "Yeah. Anything for you, my life." He winked and got off of me. I began to take my sandals off and got comfortable on the bed. So did he. Romeo had already closed his eyes when my phone flashed. It was a text from Justin:

Old News 😒: Hey. Listen, I really am sorry. For everything. I want to make it up to you Idalis. I know that ur mad at me and everything, but plizz give me another chance. Atleast to prove to u that i'm a better person than what u experienced..😥😥🙏🙏🙏

Dub. I deleted the message and his number. I don't want to hear it anymore. I remember when I used to be the one to beg like this, but I realized that there's no use in doing it anymore. Now he knows how I feel.. so he must suffer just like I did before I got with Romeo. I closed my eyes and slept close to my King. He held me by my waist and we slept soundly together.

The next day at around sunset, was when we arrived to our destination. Trinidad. How did I know? Because I recognized the flag in front of the airport. It was hotter than a mutha- "Idalis?" "Yes Dad?" "Here we are! Trinidad!" "Are we here to see your family?" "No, we're here to spend time together." "This place is beautiful. Looks just like Jamaica." Romeo said. I agreed. A taxi driver took our things and launched them in the trunk and drove us to the most beautiful hotel. We checked in at the desk. Romeo and I shared the same room and Dad took a different room. He smiled at us. "Romeo, Son, you have to take good care of her around here. The guys in this place, might go after her." "Don't worry dad. I'll take good care of her. Always." Romeo answered looking at me. I giggled. We got the keys to our room and Romeo went with Dad to help him with his things while I unpacked. We had a balcony at the back of the room with a great view of the beach. All of a sudden, there's a knock at the door. It's probably Romeo. I checked the peephole and it's a random man with the same complexion as me. I opened the door a little. "Yes?" I ask. He looked at me with a surprised expression. "Idalis.." He said. Who is he? How does he know my name? "Um, how can I help you?" He pulled me into a hug and I pushed him off. "Who are you?!" I yelled. "Baby, relax. I asked your Tia about you and she told me that you were here. Soy tu Papa." WHAT?!

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