Chapter 7(continued): Tell me..

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" Life was kind of tough for me. You know, as a child I really didn't have a lot of things compared to what I have now. While growing up in the Bronx, my mom wanted me to be like the other kids. Going outside and playing baseball on the streets. But I refused. I was interested in music. I was already in the church choir with Henry - my cousin.. you know him right? - anyways, that was when I wanted to take my singing to the next level. I was always writing poetry and forming them into songs with my instruments. I even wrote a song when I was 13. It was called 'Mami'. The song wasn't dedicated to my mom if that's what you're thinking, it was actually for any girl I happened to fall in love with. My future wife. Una mujer hermosa como tu." He said smiling. I blushed. "I'm surprised how you're so calm and relaxed around me. I mean, last night you were screaming and all that." He told me. I gave him a straight face. "I'm having dinner with a celebrity so of course i'm going to act mature." I answered. He nodded and said, "I like that." I chuckled. He looked down at the table, bit his lip and frowned.

  "What's wrong?" I asked. "Did you really love him?" He asked me. I coould tell he was referring to Justin. I stood silent for a good 3 minutes. "Tell me, Idalis..please." he begged. "I did love him. I loved him with all my heart." I confessed. "How did he hurt you?" He was serious now. "He really didn't hurt me.. it was just that after 9 months, he called the relationship off and said it was over." "Was he happy with you?" " Yeah. Except when we argued.. Other than that, he always said he loved me. But he never trusted the fact for me to have guy friends. Sometimes, we would be together and he would pretend that he's paying attention to me. That's when I feel invisible." I frowned. Romeo shook his head in shame. "I don't like that. The way he treated you. That's not right." He told me. "Romeo, it's fine, estoy bien." "No, yo a ti no te creo que estas simplemente bien. Tu corazon esta quebrada por la culpa de el. You don't deserve that." I looked down at the table. I seriously don't know what I want. "Romeo, you don't understand. Breaking up with eachother wasn't supposed to happen to us. The first time was because we kept arguing and he just couldn't take it anymore. After that, he said he would always come back to me. So, we remained as friends. During that time, I was talking with one of my long- time friend, Tony, and I got betrayed by my cousin, Ashley. She completely got into Justin's head making it seem like I was cheating on him with Tony and he fell for it. Now he's never coming back to me!" I started to cry.

    "Ese porqueria, he doesn't love you if he falls for everything. Especially things like that. If he was a true man, he would've spoke to you first to see what's really going on instead of believing her right away." He told me. Romeo got up, took my hand, and we went to sit on the couch. He sat beside me. He snapped his fingers twice and the chef went to the table to take our plates and the leftovers. "Listen, Idalis. You shouldn't go back to him if he's going to keep believing things that aren't true or taking things the wrong way. He doesn't trust you in this case.. period. Tu eres una mujer con fuerza y con corazon. You are faithful, I can see it in your beautiful hazel eyes. You have really pretty eyes." He said smiling at me. I smiled back and a tear rolled down my face. He wiped it off softly. "You're a rose, a gorgeous broken rose that I am willing to keep and fix." He whispered. My face was in his hands and we looked eachother in the eyes. I was confused. "What do you mean?" I ask. He leaned in to kiss me. This is the second time he's kissed me on my lips since last night. "I mean, te amo. Yo quiero que tu seas la reina de esta casa. I won't hurt you because with me.. you have no worries." He said softly. I was shocked. That was the same thing that the man in my dreams said to me while I was in his arms! Could that man have been Romeo? "Romeo, I have to think about it first. This is all going to fast." I responded. "Take your time, carino." He told me rubbing my hand.

   I began to feel tired. Romeo and I were watching "Sanky Panky 2". I layed my head on his lap and he was stroking my head softly and slowly. It felt great and it relaxed my mind. I began to fall asleep. I felt his lips kiss my forehead and that felt good too. I was dreaming of everything. Tony can't be the one to call me his girlfriend. I can't trust him! He's completely dangerous. He only wants me for my figure.. not for love. He's using me. What he said to me at the park, he didn't mean it at all. It was just to get to my weaker side so I could easily fall for his so called "charm". I should've known. And Justin... he doesn't even want to know anything about me anymore. He could care less about whatever happens to me. Can someone please tell me.. what's the point in continuing to chase after him? I loved him.. but now I feel like I don't anymore. I feel like I just got thrown out of a safe place I called home. He was my first Savior that I really actually loved. Now that he's gone, my life has no meaning. I used to wake up with a smile on my face because I knew I was always going to see him again. But.. everything is gone. He's gone too...and he's never coming back.  Maybe this was how Juliet felt having to choose between Paris and Romeo. I on the other hand, have to choose between Justin and Romeo. Juliet chose Romeo.. I should do the same.. Maybe then i'll know who my true love is..

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