Chapter 8: Dear Juliet

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          In the morning, when I woke up, I was in a bed. Not mine of course. A king sized bed with red Egyptian cotton covers. I looked around the one was with me. The room was amazingly beautiful though. On the wall, it said "THE KING" in script and in big letters. Did Romeo carry me upstairs while I unexpectedly knocked out on his couch last night? I smiled to myself. Not only did he put me in his bed, but I guess he changed my clothes for me too.. Or did I? I found myself wearing a sunset orange and yellow silk night dress that was above my knees. It looked cute on me and I liked it. But I know for sure, this dress isn't mine. It can't be. I took my hair out of its ponytail and left it loose. Then I walked out onto the balcony. The view was beautiful. It was like he had his own private island. If I was to be the Queen of this house, everyone would have a reason to hate me. I would love it.

         The breeze went through my hair and I closed my eyes. Then I felt a pair of lips soft kiss my shoulder. I opened my eyes and it was Romeo. "Goodmorning my love." He says to me touching my cheek softly. "Goodmorning, Sir King." I tease bowing down to him. He laughed and so did I. "How did you sleep?" He asked. "Great actually. Speaking of sleeping, who's dress am I wearing?" I asked. "My costume designer picked it out for you. I told him to. I thought you would like it." He explained. So this dressis  mine. I do like it. We smiled at eachother. "Well i'm gonna go change so I can go back home." I sighed. "I'll take you. I'm gonna take you home. I want to meet your family." He suggested. I nodded. I went to go change my clothes and Romeo gave me a bag to put my dress in. "Ready?" He asked. "Yeah." I grinned. We got into the car and Romeo drove me to my house. Mami should be home by now. During the ride home, Romeo held my hand and I felt safe.

       We were listening to his songs and we were singing them together. "You have a really beautiful voice. I can't believe you're not famous yet!" He complimented me. I looked away. He's just gassing the situation right now. "Oh please. Stop it." I playfully punched his arm. His muscles though... Oh my goodness. "I'm serious. I can take you on tour with me and introduce you to the celebrity world. You're really good for singing." "Not only do I sing, I dance too." "Well then, you have the perfect package for fame." He laughed. I never thought about becoming famous. I never thought about it at all. I always thought my voice wasn't good, but now that I hear it from the King and from my older sister.. I might consider the idea. My phone was filled with missed calls and text messages. Most of them from Rochely, some of them from Tony and a few from Hector. Maybe he's in town for a few days. "I wonder what your family will think of they see you with me." "My mother would probably pass out.. She's a huge fan of yours just like me. Ever since 'Los Tinellers'" I rolled my eyes. Romeo chuckled.

       Once we reached my house, I grabbed his arm while we were still in the car. "Wait." I say. "What? What's wrong?" He asks me. I check both sides left and right to see if any one else was outside. I'm not in for groupies coming to hog Romeo. "The coast is clear, let's go." I answered. He shakes his head while laughing and we go directly into the house. Everyone was home, Mami, Dad, Rochely, Janelly, Christian, Hector, Elizabeth (Hector's girlfriend) and Alexander (Hector's 2- year old son). 'Hi guys! I'm back and I brought someone special with me!" I squealed. Here were the reactions: Janelly dropped her doll on the floor once she laid her eyes on Romeo, Mami stood with her mouth open and looked like she was going to catch a heart attack, Rochely was just smiling and waving at Romeo. Elizabeth quickly jumped off of Hector's lap and squealed, and the guys of the house, Dad, Christian, and Hector, jjust stared at the girls like they were crazy. Then, the girls all started talking at once. "Okay! Okay! Okay! Girls! Quiet!" I ordered. They wouldn't listen. " I got this." Romeo nudged my shoulder. "Mujeres! Silencio por favor! I know you ladies love me, but please, relax." He commanded feeling proud of himself. He's so cocky... I love it! The girls all sat down. Give me my neck back! I stared at them all with a straight face.

  "Well, I'm going to introduce you to my family then. Romeo, this is my mom." I say walking him over to Mami. He kissed her hand. "Mucho gusto, Senora." I swear she almost passed out. "Romeo, this is my dad." "Pleasure to meet you, Sir." "The pleasure is mine, Son." WHOA! Dad just called Romeo his son??? Aye! We're not together!... Yet! "This is my brother, Hector and his girlfriend, Elizabeth. And this little cutie is my nephew, Alexander." Romeo shook hands with Hector, rubbed Alexander's head and waved to Elizabeth. The girl was cheesing so hard, I felt bad for her cheeks. Before I got to Rochely, Janelly came running up to Romeo twirling her hair. This little girl is too grown when it comes to celebrities. "Romeo, meet my niece, Janelly." I say. "Hey 'lil mama. Que linda, Igual como su tia." He says. I blushed. "Hi Romeo." Janelly greets him, struggling to wink her little dark brown eyes. Romeo and I laugh together. "She's cute." He tells me. "Yeah, her little diva self." I responded. "These two humans are her parents. Rochely and Christian." I joke. "Mucho gusto." Romeo says to Rochely while shaking Christian's hand.

    It was like a party for the rest of the evening. We had fun, the music was blasting. A mixture of batchata and carribean music never kills the party for us. Romeo had fun too.  Mami surprised him by playing, "Eres Mia." That's when he specifically pulled me to dance with him. Everyone was dancing together and we had a great time. Nothing is better than family. "BESO! BESO! BESO! BESO!" everyone chanted to me and Romeo when the song finished. We looked at eachother and laughed. "You guys are joking right?" I say. "No! Kiss her Romeo!" Hector yelled. "Is it too late for you to be my Queen now?" Romeo asks me, his hand on my cheek. " Time hasn't started just yet.. so I don't think it's too late." I smiled and we kissed. Everyone clapped for us. They have obviously been hypnotized into thinking we're in love. I don't know what's going on between me and him.. but whatever it is, it made everything easier for me to forget about Justin. I'm in love already. I am.. I can feel it. This is a new beginning..

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