Untitled Part 39

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I'm still working, even when it's a little chilly. The place gets more customers than I thought. 

I rode my motorbike to work, like always. I don't want a car, not yet. I'm living young for as long as I can. But then a car came from nowhere. I couldn't move in time, I was mostly surrounded by other people. I felt the blow on my right leg and I went flying, hitting another car as I went. Then, I skidded across the floor, my leathers ripping and my skin being torn from the concrete floor. Even with my helmet, I felt woozy and I knew I was blacking out. On the floor of the road. People coming out from their cars. The last thing I remembered was my helmet being taken off my head and seeing a guy in front of me, speaking Spanish. My right leg in agony...


"Ella se está despertando. ¿Señorita Castee? ¿Puedes escucharme?" I heard a man say. (SHE'S WAKING UP. MISS CASTEE? CAN YOU HEAR ME?) I made an unintelligible noise to tell him I could hear him. "¿Sabes lo que pasó?" (DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED?)

"El ch-choque," I mumbed in reply. (THE CRASH)

"Bueno. Necesitas descansar un poco, así que duerme ahora. Tu padre vendrá pronto," The man said. (GOOD. YOU NEED SOME REST, SO SLEEP NOW. YOUR DAD WILL BE HERE SOON)

"Bueno," I mumbled. (OKAY)

My eyes hardly opened during the conversation. I have no energy left. I'm assuming I'm in a hospital which I'm not happy with but I'm too tired to even acknowledge my fears. I was asleep in an instant. 


I woke up again and this time, felt more energised. My leg was covered in a cast and it was really painful. I then saw I had my pyjamas on. How'd they get my pyjamas? That's weird. But then I saw a note on the table next to me. 

"Hola Quinn. 

Le trajimos algunas cosas de su apartamento, esperamos que no le importe. Nuestras oraciones y pensamientos están contigo, ¡espero que te mejores pronto! 

De Pablo, Julieta, Lucia, Diego and Abril."


I smiled. My neighbors are the best. All the kids had written their own name, Lucia's being the neatest, Diego's is nearly illegible. I guess that explains the pyjamas. My ripped leathers were at the other end of the room, hanging on a chair and the things in the small trunk. My phone was on the table next to me, the screen completely smashed but usable. I guess the crash did it. 

I picked it up and switched it on. Texts upon texts, notifications upon notifications. Most from dad and the roommates. The roommates had actually send videos of them and the kids saying the hoped I got better soon. I smiled with tears falling. Then I went to Twitter to see fans sending 'Get better soon' messages. It was amazing. It was on Snapchat and Instagram too, even though I'd been inactive recently.

I posted messages on each one, saying 'Thank You' to every person who sent a message. I love the fandom. They're amazing people. Whoever they are. Unless they're murderers.Then they're not so nice. Haven't had one yet though. I got a positive response from everyone but put my phone down. They saw my leg and other cuts I could show them. I had a full-on bandage covering my left arm, where the jacket's arm had been fully ripped off because of a hole I hadn't fixed yet. I had bandages all over my left side. I'd skidded all on my left side so it was just broken bones, I'm assuming, on my right. But only my leg. Which was still hurting.

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