8. Wanting To Forget

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// Gabriel's POV

It has been three weeks! Three fucking weeks since both incidents happened at the coffee shop.

Gabriel continued going to his job and classes.

Sam was never at the coffee shop anymore. And if Gabe had classes with him. Sam would just avoid him.

According to Lucifer, Sam's explanation was "To avoid causing more trouble."

After a while of Gabriel trying to talk to Sam, he gave up.

During class, he would glance at the taller boy a few times but he just gave up trying to talk to him.

It was rare for Sam to show up at the coffee shop. Gabriel just thought he went to another one.

However the few times Sam did show up at the shop, Alfie would turn to Gabriel.

But Gabriel just shook his head and made coffee.

Eventually he stopped showing up.

Today was another day without Sam. Gabriel was working the night shift. He was the only one.

And no one was really showing up so he decided to begin packing up. He walked over to the door and flipped over the open sign so it said closed.

He pulled out his phone. He needed to see her. To try and forget.

// Sam's POV

Sam sighed as he walked along the dark road.

He hadn't talked to Gabriel in weeks. At first Gabriel seemed to keep wanting to speak with him but after a while he stopped.

Lucifer kept trying to convince him to talk to him. But Sam just said he wouldn't, he was avoiding causing more trouble.

Fortunately for Sam, he wasn't alone. During the weeks, he became close to Jessica. They talked more. She flirted with him. But Sam didn't want anything serious with her.

He wondered what would happen if he showed up at the coffee shop. Nah. It was dark out. Gabriel was probably in his dorm. He knew where that was.

Lucifer was friends with his roommate.

Maybe Sam would stop by and apologize or something. Tell him he was sorry for not talking to him in weeks. Sorry for spilling that coffee on him and kissing him.

He roamed the halls of the college looking for the specific number. 221.

Sam turned a few corners before finding it.

He stood at the door. He brought up his hand. Ready to knock.

But he stopped midway.

Maybe he should just leave. Give him time. Gabriel probably didn't even want to see him anymore.

No. He had to do this. Even if he didn't want to see him. He should apologize.

Sam knocked on the door lightly. No one answered. He knocked harder.

"Whoa there! I'm coming!" Someone called.

The door swung open and a guy shorter than Sam looked up at him.

"Hi uh...Balthazar?" He asked slowly.

"That's me."

"Is Gabriel here?"

Balthazar looked behind him and shrugged.

"I don't know. Is he?" He smirked.

Sam sighed and began to walk away.

Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop (Sabriel Coffee Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now