13. Little Taste Of Heaven

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*Last chapter guys!!! Also if you haven't read my AN then you should know, I MIGHT do a sequel. IF you guys give me ideas on what to do it on... well Enjoy!!*

// Sam's POV

Sam woke up in his dorm bed. He didn't really care how he got there. He just wanted to remember what happened the night before.

Gabriel and him had...made out. It was very pleasing.

Then they fell asleep cuddled up next to each other.

Gabriel had told him that he loved him. And so did Sam.

Sam tried to go back to sleep. But unfortunately he couldn't.

"GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!" Lucifer yelled into Sam's ear.

Sam jumped and groaned.

He slipped out of bed and noticed he was wearing pyjamas. Hmm. He smirked. Sam would have to ask Gabe about that later.

He walked over to the shower, ignoring Lucifer's giggling and shouting.

Sam soon walked out of the shower, dressed in his regular plaid and jeans.

Lucifer wouldn't stop giggling.

Sam rolled his eyes and glared at the roommate.

"What?" He asked.

Lucifer burst out laughing for a solid five minutes before clearing his throat, controlling himself.

"So, Sam. Did you enjoy yourself, last night? At your little, 'night of passion'?" Lucifer tried to control himself but couldn't help and giggled.

Sam's eyes widened in shock. What did he just say?!

"W-what?!" Sam choked out.

Lucifer pointed to a note on Sam's shelf.

Sam walked over to it and opened it.

'Last night's, night of passion was fun. Let's do it again sometime. ;)

- Gabriel'

Sam blushed a dark crimson. Damn it Gabriel.

Lucifer burst out laughing again before standing and patting Sam's back.

"Well I'm happy for you two love birds. Just freaking break up with Jessica. I'm off to class. See ya!" Lucifee waved and walked out.

Sam was still blushing.

It took him a while to get a hold of himself and walking out of the dorm and to the small coffee shop.

// Gabriel's POV

Gabriel prepared the ordered coffee. He put in two pumps of vanilla mocha before writing the name on it and setting it on the counter.

"Vanilla Streamer for Charlie!" He called out with a smile.

Charlie ran up to the counter where Sam and him and made out and took her drink.

"So you and Sammy have fun last night?" She winked.

Gabriel smirked.

"You bet we did." He chuckled.

Charlie quietly squealed and waved goodbye before leaving.

Gabriel went back to making the next order.

"So how was that ball yesterday?" Alfie asked once no one else was in line to order.

"It was good...it was great! Me and Samwich made up...so yea...he's not mad at me anymore." Gabriel smiled to himself.

Alfie nodded and gave a thumbs up.

"I'm glad to hear that! Uh- Gabe? I'll finish up making that coffee. You get the next customer." Alfie smiled.

Gabriel turned around and was about to say something when he saw who it was.


Gabriel ran up to the counter and leaned over it.

"Hey Samsquach, what can I get for you today?" He asked with a smirk.

"Uh actually, I was thought this time you could make me your favourite drink. " He smiled at the shorter man.

Gabriel grabbed a cup and winked at Sam.

"Ahh, my Little Taste Of Heaven. Excellent choice. You wont regret it." He smiled before walking over to the coffee maker and Alfie was soon taking other peoples orders.

Sam walked over to a table and sat down, waiting.

He looked out the window. Memories of last night flooded through his head and he blushed.

Gabriel walked over to his table and set the cup down.

"Little Taste Of Heaven for My Cutie In The Plaid." Gabriel smiled.

Sam blushed, causing Gabe to chuckle.

Gabriel sat down across from Sam with a wide smile.

"So Samwich, ya got my note?" He asked laughing lowly.

Sam blushed darkly and looked away, slowly nodding.

"Yes I did...but not before Lucifer..." he whispered.

Gabriel laughed and held Sam's hand.

"I'd figure he'd read it. Oh well. At least you did get it..." he shrugged.

Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop began playing through the shop.

Gabriel and Sam both looked at each other, small smiles playing at their lips.

"Remember that song?" Gabriel whispered.

"How could I forget."

Gabriel stood up and walked over in front of Sam.

The younger one looked up at him. Their song playing in the background.

Gabriel smiled slightly and leaned then in and kissed the love of his life.

Sam smiled and returned the kiss.

I never knew what it was about this old coffee shop I loved so much

They didn't care who was watching. All they cared about was being together. And that's all they ever will care about.

They were happy. Happy together.

"I love you." Gabriel whispered into the kiss.

"I love you too." Sam smiled.

It was you.

Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop (Sabriel Coffee Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now