Dear Readers

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Dear Readers

I feel like it was just yesterday, when I started writing "A Beautiful Mess" every single night before I sleep. I would think of scenarios and write them down on my diary when I wake up.

It was really something, and I didn't want this story to end because the characters had been with me for almost a year now. It's so hard, thinking that I might not be able to write about them anymore. But it was also fun 'cause I finally ended the book.

So for all of those who finished reading "A Beautiful Mess", a big thanks and a hug goes to you!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. You don't know how happy I am knowing you kept up with me through these little chapters. Though the story's not too long, I'm so thankful that you've been a part of it.

And always remember, you'll never know. Your Ethan Runwell could just be there, waiting for you to notice him.


Ysabel ;)

PS. Voting is FREE! :> and please take a second to write some feedback! I'd love to hear what you think!

PSS. fan me? Would mean the world!

Other stories as cute as this one!
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-1:54 Thoughts

I love you, guys!

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instagram: ysabelrey

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