From Good to Evil

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I pick up a copy of Starry Eyes magazine and flick through it. Yes I know the contents of it but I haven’t held one in my hands yet. It has turned out quite nice and there is a wide range of contents for different audiences. Stuff on makeup, clothes, music, films and even video games because I know that there are some girls out there who likes that sort of stuff, I did. There is a knock on the door, followed by it being opened slightly to reveal Joseph my secretary. “Is it alright to bring the teenagers in Mrs Cumberbatch?” He asks timidly. Joseph is so sweet, he tries his hardest to please everyone and I know he isn’t very happy about Rick coming back but that is none of his busy.

“Yes Joseph, bring them in. And please how many times, call me y/n!” He nods before exiting. I pat down my blouse as I hear the swarms of girls approach the room. I slide to the door and heave it open being presented with a queue of one hundred girls between the ages of fourteen and sixteen. I smile before letting them pass into the room. Some looked excited to see the stacks of magazines, others pleased to see a picture of Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort from the latest Fault in Our Stars film and some look bored rigid. Hopefully that will change. “Hello everyone, my name is y/n Cumberbatch and I co-own Stars in Her Eyes Magazine Company.” I state and smile, some of them have become more alert. Probably at the surname, it attracts a lot of attention. A tanned girl with long, dark hair politely puts up her hand. I nod to signal to her that she is allowed to speak.

“Excuse me, are you married to Benedict Cumberbatch?” I nod in agreement and a few members of the crowd fangirl. “I am like his biggest fan!” She exclaims, surely if she was his biggest fan then she would know who I was? I can see some of the other girls become restless.

“I am sure some would disagree.” I reply which makes the girl turn sour faced. “I mean, I am his biggest fan at the moment but I am sure in a few more years his daughter will fight me to the title.” I chuckle but then turn my attention to the slideshow I had loaded on the screen.


After going through the slideshow the girls politely clap and grin. “Thank you.” I grab a bundle of magazines a pass them along the rows of plastic seats. The girls eagerly take them and begin to read, this makes me smile maybe this was a good idea. “Excuse me girls, I am just going to grab a coffee. Please read it while I am gone.” I strut out of the room and straight to the nearby staff room. I cannot be too long. I click the latte button on the coffee machine and stand waiting. When it is done I grab the mug but am startled by the door opening suddenly. I turn to see Rick a bit flustered. “Is everything alright Rick?” I ask, curious.

“No it is not!” He shouts with makes me step back subconsciously. “The senior management team are not happy that I am back! They are probably going to kick me out with a restraining order!” He yells before exiting. Gee I hope the girls didn’t hear.

I walk back into the room with my mug of coffee to see the girls all still engrossed in the magazine. After waiting a few minutes I get their attention. “Excuse me!” I call out and they turn their heads and chairs to look at me. “I would like some feedback on the magazine…so raise your hand if you like it?” I ask and about ninety people raise their hands, pretty good going ninety percent. “Okay, who would buy it again?” This time only three quarters of the room raise their hands, it is better than nothing. I turn to grab my coffee to take a sip to quench my thirst.

“Excuse me Mrs Cumberbatch?” I turn to see the same girl with her hand up as I did before.


“Why is the celebrity interview with Tom Hiddleston and not Ben…I mean Benedict?” She stutters, I think for a moment, should I tell them the truth.

“Well for a number of reasons. Benedict was a bit busy at the time with filming-” Like usual. “And it might have looked unprofessional to ask my husband. But I am sure he will do an interview in the future. I asked Tom because he is a close friend of mine and Benedict’s.” The girl nods in understanding. “Anyway, thank you all for coming please take the magazine with you and I hope you will buy issues in the future. Joseph will see you out.” They stand and collect their belongings before exiting. I hear the odd thank you before the room is empty. I think that was a job well done.


I stroll to my office to see the light still on and I enter. Rick is sitting at his desk flicking through some files and he smiles when he looks up at me. But he is still tense I can tell. “How did it go?” He asks and I smile whilst putting my thumbs up.

“They loved it. There were a few Benedict questions but I managed to dodge them.” Why did I tell him that? Oh well.

“Ah how is Benedict?” He asks out of the blue.

“He is good, in fact I’d better go and pick up Lucy.” I say pulling open the door.

“You are not going anywhere.” He states before slamming the door shut. He pulls me around and I panic.

“Get off me!” I shout but he doesn’t. He shoves me against a wall and pulls at my clothing. He is just too strong. He begins to hit me and touch me in personal places. “I said get off!” I try to scream but his large hand covers my mouth. The last thing I know is hearing his trouser zip being pulled down…

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