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Airports, I hate them. The queues a mile long because the staff can’t be bothered, the large crowds of nosy people and the toilets without toilet paper do my head in. We are currently queueing to check in and this queue could last forever especially because the ditsy woman at check in doesn’t know how to do her job properly so she is moving at zero miles per hour. When we were booking plane tickets Ben said we should go first class so he isn’t recognised but I said no because I want to act normal and also because I don’t think the other travellers in first class would like a bawling toddler on board. Now looking at this queue I am thinking maybe he was right and I know he is thinking the exact same thing to because of the smug expression on his face. To keep himself as concealed as possible, he is wearing his dark glasses and flat cap.

Between us we have two suitcases and for the flight I have my handbag whereas Ben has his rucksack. We have to take Lucy’s pushchair with us to Hawaii. When we were booking the travel advisor said that we could hire a pushchair there but Lucy has to have a special one fitted to her needs so that offer was off the table. Watching all the parents having to unstrap their little ones from their pushchairs to put the chair onto the conveyor belt is making me snigger. Lucy is allowed hers until we actually get on the plane because of her disabled permit.

The queue is gradually moving forward so there is only one family in front of us. There have been a few glances at Ben probably because of his dark glasses which are meant to make it less likely for people to recognise him but they actually just draw attention. There are only three types of people who wear sunglasses inside: people who have just had eye operations, egotistic idiots and celebrities. The queue moves again so Benedict pushes forward the trolley with the suitcases on and I push the pushchair towards the counter. The woman flashes us a fake smile before turning to the computer. Benedict passes over the booking information and our passports which is followed by her typing information into the computer. She freezes and then looks at Benedict. “Erm…Mr Cumberbatch….could you please take off your glasses and hat whilst I check passports?” Benedict nods and pulls off the items causing the woman to bite her lip, obviously a fan but trying to stay professional. She leans over the counter to look at Lucy in her pushchair who is sleeping. “Okay that is all good. When you go through security properly, you will have to wake her up.” She instructs. “How many bags do you have today?”

“We have two suitcases, two hand luggage and a pushchair.” Benedict explains whilst replacing his hat and glasses. He places the cases on the conveyor belt one at the time and the hand luggage is weighed and tagged. She looks at the pushchair and then back at her notes.

“Could I please see your daughter’s disabled card?” She asks and I show it to her. “Thank you. When at security, your daughter will have to be removed out of the pushchair and the chair will be searched and scanned through x-ray. When you get to security show your boarding passes to a member of staff and you can skip the queue with her to make it easier. Your passes are a different colour to everyone else to notify them.” We both nod in response and I stroke Lucy’s cheek soothingly. The woman passes Benedict the passports and boarding passes and smiles. “Enjoy you holiday.” I am going to Hawaii!

A/n only a short part but I hope you enjoy it :)

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