A Family Day Out

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A/n If anyone doesn't know what Drayton Manor/Thomas Land is then I have attached the link to the website :)

Today both I and Ben have a day off from work so we are taking Lucy to Thomas Land at Drayton Manor. It should be quiet because it is term time and the weather isn’t great. Although Lucy won’t be able to go on all the little kids’ rides because she needs to be held, it will be nice to have a day as a family and hopefully without much attention from fans. It was Lucy’s birthday yesterday and we had a little party with some friends and their children. But today is her birthday treat. I have strapped her in the car seat and am now waiting for my husband to finally make it out of the door. It is like he doesn’t know what to do on a day off. It has been a while since he has had one. He comes out of the door wearing some jeans with a navy polo over the top. But to finish off this ‘look’ he is wearing a baseball cap and dark glasses even though it isn’t sunny to conceal his identity. He locks the front door and sits in the driver’s seat. “Ready?” He asks.

“One second.” I reply and I pull of his cap and glasses. He furrows his brow, “Today we are going out as a family. So I am going out with Ben not Benedict Cumberbatch.” I explain and he sighs before starting the engine. People are more likely to notice him when he is wearing his glasses and cap especially when it is cloudy. No one is going to go to Drayton Manor to look for him. There is no chance of that happening. I turn on the radio and playing is ‘Can We Dance’ by The Vamps. I love this song so I turn up the volume and start singing loudly making Ben chuckle. I can hear Lucy giggling in the back which makes me smile. This is going to be a great day.


So far the trip has been very fun and successful. We have gone on loads of the rides in Thomas Land, which being kids’ rides are not the most adrenaline rushing rides of all time but it was fun watching Lucy having a fun time. We are now having lunch, a little late granted but we were having too much fun. Ben has eaten his chips and the rest of mine. He stands up and I look confused. “I am getting a Coke do you want anything?” He asks and I shake my head before bouncing Lucy on my knee. So far very few people have noticed him which shows I was right. Most of the people we walked past didn’t bat an eyelid. The funniest circumstance was when this young women who was operating one of the rides had a Sherlock phone case and was texting whilst letting people on the ride. She didn’t notice when Ben walked past her! I laugh out loud, “What’s so funny?” Ben asks, returning from the cashier with a Coke.

“Ah nothing.” I reply, it is not important anyway. “We have basically done all the kids’ rides.” I state and Ben hums in agreement. “I think we should do the boat ride along the pirate scenery, the carousal and then we should head home. We shouldn’t be back too late; we don’t want Lucy getting tired.” I suggest.

“Good idea.” He smiles before taking a sip of his Coke. I reach forward with my free hand and put it on his.

“I’ve enjoyed today Ben a lot.” I smile a thank you and he grins.

“I am glad I took some time off then.” He replies.

“I thought you had the day off?!” I sound confused.

“I wanted to spend some time with my family.”


We have just been on the boat ride and now Ben is taking Lucy on the carousal while I film the moment. I have filmed it go round a couple of times and now I am taking some pictures which Ben, after years of practice poses for. One of the photographs is perfectly shot so both Ben and Lucy are looking at the camera smiling. When the ride is finished, I help Lucy off the ride whilst Ben stumbles off the plastic horse. He clutches onto a bar to regain his balance and I laugh at his clumsiness. He tries to look offended and fails which makes me laugh even more. I begin to take Lucy back to the car with Ben trailing behind me when he speaks up, “Let me take her.” It wasn’t a suggestion just Ben being a gentleman like usual. We walk out of the theme park hand in hand as a proper family.


In the car on the way back home, I tweeted the picture of Ben and Lucy on the carousal with the caption: ‘I love these two with all my heart. Had a great day at Drayton Manor x’ Ever since my phone has been going crazy with hundreds of notifications. I will read them later. Lucy is in bed and I have had a bath and now Ben is in the shower. I walk towards the kitchen but linger in the corridor looking at the large picture of Ben, Lucy and I. It was a present from his parents and I love it a lot. I pull my phone out of my dressing gown pocket whilst entering the kitchen and I bring up the picture of Lucy and Ben and make it my screensaver. I reach for my cup of tea which Ben made me before going to shower and I sit at the breakfast bar, opening the twitter app. The comments on my tweet are like:

Aww that is so adorable!

He is such a great father.

Can you tell Ben that I love him! (Yes that happens a lot.)

Glad you had a great day my lovely x (That was from Amanda)

You were at Drayton Manor?! I work there! I bring up this girl’s profile to see that she is the girl who had the Sherlock phone case. I laugh inwardly before replying: You had a Sherlock phone case didn’t you?

Yes I do! OMFG! She replies almost instantly I can’t not tell her: Open the back of your phone case. Ben, feeling guilty that the girl didn’t notice that he got on the ride, when he got off and she was busy helping this little boy off he opened her phone case and signed the inside with a permanent pen which he always has on him. Her reply is simple but I know she is dying inside.

*Squeals* Thank you so much! Tell him please!

But this is what it is like being Mrs Cumberbatch.

A/n Thank you to anyone who has been reading so far :)

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